Policy Directory by Glossary Terms
Name | Description |
Paid Leave | There are two types of paid leave available to University staff employees:
Parent | Biological, adoptive, step, or foster parent or an individual who stood loco parentis to the employee when the employee was a child. (Note: loco parentis refers to a relationship in which a person puts themselves in the situation of a parent by assuming and discharging the obligation of a parent to a child.) |
Parent1 | A natural parent or a new adoptive parent who is the legally recognized biological, adoptive, foster, or custodial parent. |
Parental Accommodation | Provision of continued financial support during a temporary absence related to a Parental Accommodation Event. |
Parental Accommodation Event | Either the birth, adoption, or placement of a child, or the assumption of legal guardianship for a child under 18 years of age. |
Part-Time Faculty | A faculty member employed by UVA for less than 1.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE). |
Partial Shift Modification | A decision made by the President (or designee) to modify normal University operating hours for non-designated employees for a specified period of time as a result of an emergency event. |
Pass-through Entity (PTE) | A non-federal entity (such as the University) that receives a Sponsored Award from which it subsequently issues a Subaward. The University acts as a PTE each time it issues a Subaward. |
Past Due (Delinquent) Accounts Receivables | Receivables for which payment has not been received by the payment due date. |
Pavilion | Ten structures on the Lawn originally used as homes for faculty and their families and as classroom space. Currently, nine provide faculty or senior administrator housing. Pavilion VII, the Colonnade Club, serves as the faculty club. |
Payment Card | Credit cards and debit cards linked to the cardholder’s account at a financial institution, e.g., an individual or an employer’s business account. |
Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) | A robust security framework consisting of 12 baseline requirements for technical and operational controls pertaining to the protection of cardholder data. An annual attestation of compliance with the PCI-DSS is required for all entities involved in payment card processing. |
Payroll Allocation Confirmation (PAC) Reports | Personnel expense allocation reports for faculty and principal investigators to review and confirm distribution of salary or wages paid on federal and non-federal funding sources and based on specific activities, not exceeding 100% of the employee’s Institutional Base Salary. There are two types of Payroll Allocation Confirmation reports: Payroll Allocation Confirmation Report for Faculty and Payroll Allocation Confirmation-Grant Statement Reports for all other personnel. |
Performance Conversation | A discussion between the manager and employee that focuses on setting goals and understanding performance expectations, giving and receiving feedback, and professional development. |
Performance Management | A management process for ensuring that employees’ work efforts, skills, and behavior are in alignment with the University’s mission, goals, and objectives. It consists of three major components: (1) performance and development planning; (2) ongoing discussions and feedback between the employee and supervisor to keep performance and development on track throughout the performance cycle; and (3) evaluation of employee performance. |
Periodic Effort Reports | The official and approved documents used in the certification of effort devoted toward Sponsored, University and Clinical activities. Sections of the effort report are separated by types of activities included in one’s 100% ‘University Effort’ as follows: |
Permanent Wiring | Wiring that is used for more than 8 hours in a day and is left connected at all times. |
Perpetual Quasi Endowment | A quasi endowment that does not permit the divestment of principal and is intended to exist in perpetuity. Units may choose to receive distributions on the account as determined by the University’s spending policy. |
Personal Effects | Privately owned personal property such as vehicles, clothing, household goods, books, etc., that are movable. |
Petty Cash Approver (Approver) | A full-time employee of the University who has been given authority by the department head to approve reimbursement requisitions and reconciliations of a petty cash account. This person shall not have the authority to disburse cash. (Approvers may not be temporary personnel or students who are not otherwise full-time employees of the University.) |
Petty Cash Custodian (Custodian) | A full-time employee of the University who is responsible for disbursing, safeguarding, administering, and reconciling their department’s petty cash fund. (Custodians may not be temporary personnel or students who are not otherwise full-time employees of the University.) |
Petty Cash Fund | A limited dollar fund used to purchase goods when use of the University’s procurement system is impractical or cannot be used. Petty cash may be in the form of petty cash, traveler’s checks, money orders, or debit cards. The combination of cash and petty cash receipts must equal the authorized amount of the fund at all times. |
Petty Checking Account | A draft account at a financial institution that is administered by another University department outside of Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services’ Accounts Payable Division and is used for specific disbursement needs where payment through the University’s general checking account is impractical or cannot be used. |
Petty Checking Approver (Approver) | A full-time employee of the University who has been given authority by the department head to approve reimbursements to and reconciliations of a Petty Checking Account. This person shall not have the authority to sign checks. (Approvers may not be temporary personnel or students who are not otherwise full-time employees of the University.) |
Petty Checking Custodian (Custodian) | A full-time employee of the University who is responsible for disbursing, safeguarding, administering, and reconciling their department’s petty checking account. (Custodians may not be temporary personnel or students who are not otherwise full-time employees of the University.) |
Petty Checking Signer (Signer) | A full-time employee of the University who has the authority to act as a signer of checks on the Petty Checking Account for disbursements. (Signers may not be temporary personnel or students who are not otherwise full-time employees of the University.) |
PHS Awarding Component | The organizational unit of the Public Health service (PHS) within Health and Human Services (HHS) which funds the investigator’s research. |
PHS Regulation | The Public Health Service regulation establishing standards for institutional inquiries and investigations into allegations of research misconduct, which is set forth at 42 C.F.R. Part 93, Subpart A, entitled "Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct." |
PHS Support | PHS funding, or applications or proposals therefore, for biomedical or behavioral research, biomedical or behavioral research training, or activities related to that research or training, that may be provided through: Funding for PHS intramural research; PHS grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts or subgrants or sub contracts under those PHS funding instruments; or salary or other payments under PHS grants, cooperative agreements or contracts. |
Physical Violence | Exerting control over another person using physical force, including hitting, punching, slapping, kicking, restraining, choking, and brandishing or using any weapon. |
Planned Award | Awards announced to employees where the employer agrees or promises to reward an employee after a specified time period for greater efficiency or productivity, better attendance, or safety, to remain in the employ of the University, or to improve the quality or accuracy of work produced. Planned awards are non-discretionary and will affect a non-exempt employee’s overtime rate under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. |
Playlist | A collection of electronic content stored on the vendor-hosted content management system in a format to be displayed on video display screens connected to the HooView network. |
Policy | A system of principles that guide the management of the University's affairs. University leaders set policy by selecting courses of action from alternatives in a context of well-understood goals and of appropriate strategies that will be effective in pursuing those goals. They record their selections in policy statements that communicate to the University community how its members can comply with policy. |
Pooled Income Fund (PIF) | The University maintains a PIF, to which donors can make outright, irrevocable gifts of cash or securities in return for an income stream. However, the University does not advertise the PIF to donors and does not currently encourage giving to the PIF. If a donor is interested in contributing to the PIF, please contact the Office of Gift Planning for further guidance. |
Postdoctoral Fellow | A postdoctoral appointee who, because of the source of funding (e.g., training grant, foreign government, individual fellowship, etc.), is not considered an employee of the University (see http://postdoc.virginia.edu/postdoc-resources/policies). Postdoctoral fellows are distinguished from postdoctoral research associates, who are typically funded through a sponsored research program, are employees of the University, and are included in this policy. Postdoctoral fellows are not governed by this policy. |
Posthumous Degree | A degree conferred by the University to a deceased individual. |
Post–Issuance Debt Compliance | The activities undertaken following the issuance of tax-exempt debt to comply with federal guidelines. Failure to comply with federal guidelines could potentially render the interest of debt as taxable to investors. |
Powered Industrial Truck (PIT) | Any mobile power-propelled (e.g., electric or fuel) truck used to carry, push, pull, lift, stack, or tier materials. PITs can be ridden or controlled by a walking operator. Earth-moving and over-the-road haulage trucks are not included in this definition. Examples of PITs include forklift trucks, narrow aisle rider trucks, straddle stackers, and walking pallet trucks. |
Pre-disciplinary Leave | Leave with pay which is applicable when disciplinary action is being considered and the employee’s removal from the workplace is necessary or prudent to allow for the completion of a disciplinary review or pre-disciplinary investigation. |
Pre-existing Relationship | A romantic or sexual relationship, including between spouses, that predates the conflicts addressed in this policy, e.g., the enrollment of an individual in courses or the appointment of an individual as a faculty member, or a romantic or sexual relationship that predates and was not prohibited prior to the adoption of this policy. |
Preparer | The employee who performs the monthly detailed reconciliation and prepares documentation for approval. |
Presidential Policy | Policy established under the authority of the President as defined in the Section 4.2 of the Manual of the Board of Visitors. It excludes academic policy related to the conferring of degrees but includes academic management policy. |
Preventing and Addressing Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Complaint Procedures | The University’s Preventing and Addressing Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (PADHR) Complaint Procedures set forth the procedures for investigating and resolving reports of alleged PADHR Conduct under the PADHR Policy. |
Pre–Packaged Goods/Food | Foods that are commercially prepared, sealed, and then packaged for sale by a retail distributor. |
Primary Email Address | The address to which the University sends official email notifications. These addresses are created for students within a few days of the University receiving their admission deposits. They are formatted as UVa computing ID @virginia.edu (e.g., [email protected]). |
Primary Personal Residence | The home or apartment in which the faculty, staff, or professional research staff member resides most of the time. This does not include vacation or second homes, nor property owned but not occupied by the individual. Normally, this location will bear the official address as recorded by the city or county where the dwelling is located. |
Principal Investigator (PI) | The individual(s) designated by the applicant organization/recipient to have the appropriate level of authority and responsibility to direct the project or program to be supported by the award. The applicant organization may designate multiple individuals as program directors/principal investigators (PD/PIs) who share the authority and responsibility for leading and directing the project, intellectually and logistically. |
Principal Investigators/Project Directors and Other Key Personnel | Individuals whose effort is absolutely essential to the success of the proposed activity, either because of their critical leadership positions within the proposal (and consequently their intellectual guidance) or because of the uniqueness of the expertise they are contributing relative to the proposed scope of activity. ‘Key personnel’ typically include research scientists, principal scientists, and senior scientists, depending on their intellectual contribution to the proposed scope of activity. Typically, replacement of any of these individuals requires approval from the sponsor. Importantly, the status of ‘Principal Investigator/Project Director’ and ‘key personnel’ does not necessarily imply salary support from the sponsor. |
Private Areas | Areas including but not limited to non-common areas of residence halls, bathrooms, shower areas, locker and changing rooms, and other areas where a reasonable person might change clothes. Additionally, areas dedicated to medical, physical, or mental health therapy or treatment are considered private areas unless regulatory requirements mandate otherwise. |
Private Business Use | Use in a Trade or Business carried on by or for the benefit of any Non-Governmental Person. Private Business Use does not include use of a facility by a member of the general public where the facility is open to the public and the user has no special legal entitlement to use of the facility. |
Probationary Period | The trial period of initial employment (12 months not to exceed 18 months as a result of an approved extension), that provides the employee and the University the opportunity to assess whether the employee is suited for the position. |
Professional (Non–Credit) Certificate Program | A professional certification credential offered by one of the University’s schools in which all instruction is offered on a non-credit basis and which culminates in the conferral of a professional certificate by the University and recognized by a relevant professional organization. |
Professional Certification or Licensure | A formal recognition based on standards set forth by a state or other governing entity that gives legal permission to an individual to practice a profession. Professional licensure laws and regulations vary by state. |
Professional Effort | Work performed by key/senior personnel (e.g., faculty) on a specific sponsored program. |
Professional Employee | An employee whose work: (a) requires knowledge of an advanced type in a field of science or learning; (b) requires the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment; and (c) is predominantly intellectual and varied in character (based on Revenue Procedure 2005-11). |
Professional Research Staff | Professional staff principally engaged in research and appointed to limited terms of employment at the University. Positions include postdoctoral research associates, research scientists, senior scientists, and principal scientists. |
Professional Service | Activities related to University or public service including service on national commissions, governmental agencies and advisory boards, granting agency peer-group review panels, philanthropic organizations or charities, visiting committees or advisory groups to other universities, professional associations, and analogous bodies. The fundamental difference between these activities and consulting is that they are public or University service. Although an honorarium or equivalent may be received, these Professional Service activities are not undertaken for personal financial gain. Professional Service does not qualify as Consulting. |
Program Staff | University faculty and staff who have an official role as agents of the University with Education Abroad Programs, including directors, instructors, assistants, Teaching Assistants (TAs), and approved volunteers. |
Prohibited Items during an Occurrence - Limited | Any weapon (see definition) and any electronic control weapon (e.g., taser), stun gun, heavy gauge metal chain, length of lumber or wood, brick, rock, metal beverage or food can or container, glass bottle, axe, axe handle, hatchet, ice pick, acidic or caustic substance or material, hazardous or flammable or combustible substance, skateboard, sword, knife (regardless of size), dagger, razor blade or other sharp instrument or item, pipe, pepper or bear spray, mace, aerosol spray, catapult, wrist rocket, bat, pole, stick, club, explosive, firework, unmanned aircraft system (a/k/a “UAS” or “Drone”)*, open fire or open flame**, and any other item considered an “implement of riot.” |
Prohibited Items during an Occurrence – Expanded | Any weapon (see definition); any prohibited items during an occurrence - limited (see definition); and any artificial noisemaker*; laser pointer; frisbee; outside ball, bat, stick or other sports equipment (excluding baseball or softball gloves); outside container (including plastic or glass bottle, cup, can, cooler, or flask); outside food and beverage; tent; stroller (except umbrella stroller) (prohibited at Scott Stadium & John Paul Jones Arena only); umbrella (prohibited at Scott Stadium only); animal (except service animal under control); and any bag larger than 12" x 6" x 12" including but not limited to a purse larger than a clutch bag, briefcase, backpack, fanny pack, cinch bag, luggage, computer bag, or camera bag. |
Project | A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result (PMBOK Guide - Sixth Edition). |
Project Management | The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to mitigate risk, control budget, and manage scope of tasks. |
Project Manager | A University representative who may be the Facilities Management Project Manager or Construction Manager, or any other University employee who arranges for a renovation, maintenance, or demolition project that could disturb building materials within a University facility. |
Promotion (or Publicity) | The act of raising public awareness of an organization, company, product, service, political party or view, or religious organization or belief. |
Property | Land, including land improvements, structures, and appurtenances thereto, as well as equipment and supplies. |
Prospective Student | An individual who has contacted the University requesting information concerning admission to an academic program but has not yet formally enrolled in (made a financial commitment to) the institution. |
Protected Characteristics/Statuses | Age, color, disability, family medical or genetic information, gender identity or expression, marital status, military status (which includes active duty service members, reserve service members, and dependents), national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and veteran status. |
Protected Information | Refers to information that is linked to a person’s identity, such as Social Security Number (SSN), driver’s license number, financial information, and/or protected health information (PHI). |
PTAEO | The five-segment account structure to which expenses are charged that allows for enhanced reporting. (P = Project, T = Task, A = Award, E = Expenditure, O = Organization.) |
Public Access | Full electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD) content that is publicly available online through the University Library. |
Public Aircraft | An aircraft owned and operated by the United States Government, government of a State, the District of Columbia, or a territory or possession of the United States or a political subdivision of one of these governments in furtherance of a governmental function, and that is not used for commercial purposes. |
Public COA | A COA issued by the FAA permitting a UAS to be operated as a public aircraft in furtherance of a governmental function. |
Public Data | Data intentionally made public and are therefore classified as not sensitive. Any data that are published and broadly available are, of course, included in this classification. University policy holds that the volume of data classified as not sensitive should be as large as possible because the widespread availability of such information will enable others to make creative contributions in pursuit of the University's mission. |
Public Information Technology (IT) Resources | IT resources that are available to broad groups of users within the University community. They include but are not limited to: public-access computer facilities, shared multi-user computing systems, and the network services that Information Technology Services (ITS) and all other University schools and departments manage. The word “public,” in this context, describes a resource that is available broadly to members of the University community. It does not imply that these resources are available to persons from outside the University community. |
Public Place | As defined in the Code of Virginia § 4.1-100, any place, building, or conveyance to which the public has, or is permitted to have, access, including restaurants, soda fountains, hotel dining areas, lobbies and corridors of hotels, and any park, place of public resort or amusement, highway, street, lane, or sidewalk adjoining any highway, street, or lane. The term shall not include (i) hotel or restaurant dining areas or ballrooms while in use for private meetings or private parties limited in attendance to members and guests of a particular group, association or organization; (ii) restaurants licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Board in office buildings or industrial or similar facilities while such restaurant is closed to the public and in use for private meetings or parties limited in attendance to employees and nonpaying guests of the owner or a lessee of all or part of such building or facility; (iii) offices, office buildings or industrial facilities while closed to the public and in use for private meetings or parties limited in attendance to employees and nonpaying guests of the owner or a lessee of all or part of such building or facility; or (iv) private recreational or chartered boats which are not licensed by the Board and on which alcoholic beverages are not sold. |
Public Record | Any writing or recording — regardless of whether it is a paper record, an electronic file, an audio or video recording or any other format — that is prepared or owned by, in possession of a public body or its officers, employees, or agents in the transaction of public business. Freedom of Information Act. All public records are presumed to be open and may be withheld only if a statutory exemption applies. |
Public Speaking | Speech or expressive activity directed to a general audience or non-specific persons. |
Purchase Order (PO) | A commercial document issued by the University to a supplier, indicating types, quantities, terms and agreed prices for products or services that the supplier will provide to the University. |
Purchase Requisition | The procedural method by which University departments may request the purchase of Goods and/or Services that require processing by Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services (PSDS). Purchase requisitions are generally used for situations including, but not limited to: high dollar value purchases; vendor documents requiring University signature; or restricted goods and/or services where a purchase order is not automatically created by the University department. |
Pyrotechnics | 1. The art of manufacturing or setting off fireworks. 2. A fireworks display.2 |