Fund Source

Fund Source

A fund (a five-digit alpha-numeric field in the University’s financial system, but not the Medical Center’s accounting system) that represents a pool of money differentiated by sources and constraints placed on the use of the resources. Examples include state vs. local funds, restricted, restricted expendable (earnings on endowment or gifts), unrestricted, etc. The type of funds is indicated in the chart of accounts as defined in the table below:

Fund Source

Award Prefix



FDH082 Agency Funds (Local)

Funds on deposit with the University by outside agencies/organizations that are not a part of the University but have a close relationship.


FDH053 Auxiliary

Funds generated by an entity which exists to furnish goods or services to students, faculty or staff and which charges a fee that is directly related, although not necessarily equal to the cost of the service. Examples are housing, dining, and athletics.

Endowment Income

FD024 Restricted Endowment Income Fund, FD007 Unrestricted Endowment Income Fund, FD011 Unrestricted Medical Center Endowment Income Fund, FD012 Unrestricted Medical Center Endowment Income Fund (State 03090

Funds from the distribution on the University’s endowment.

Facilities and Administrative Cost Recoveries

FDH054 F&A

Funds derived from recovery of facility and administrative indirect costs from external research sponsors.


All GF accounts with the exception of those in endowed funds (income and principal)

Funds provided from donors to the University.

Grants and Contracts

FDH056 Grants & Contracts

Funds derived from external sponsors who provide funds in response to a proposal for specific instruction, research, or public service activities.


FDH024 Local funds with the exception of those listed in other categories

Funds derived from earnings on short-term investments, and other (licensing, affinity card, etc.) revenues.


FDH017 State Funds Operational, FDH020 State Funds Non-Ops

Funds derived from the state general fund appropriation, tuition revenues (of non-self-supporting programs), and other activities.

Policy # Policy Title
FIN-022 Oversight of University and/or Medical Center Operating and Capital Budgets and Long-term Financial Plans