Pledges, outright contributions received from private sources, or activities supported by an external party (i.e., donor) in exchange for which no goods or services are expected, implied or forthcoming to the donor, and in which no proprietary interests are to be retained by the donor.
Policy # | Policy Title |
EXT-005 | Coordination of Development Activities at the University of Virginia |
EXT-006 | Solicitation and Acceptance of Gifts of Real Property, Life Insurance, Tangible Personal Property (Including Fine Art), and Intangible Personal Property |
EXT-007 | Acceptance of Bequests, University Life Income Gifts, and Gifts to the University’s Donor Advised Fund |
EXT-008 | Acceptance, Receipt, and Acknowledgment of Gifts |
EXT-009 | Establishment of Funds from Gifts |
EXT-010 | Employee Charitable Contributions to the University |
FIN-001 | Distinguishing Between a Gift or a Sponsored Program |
RES-008 | Institutional Conflict of Interest in Human Subjects Research |