Managerial & Professional Staff Employee (M&P)

Managerial & Professional Staff Employee (M&P)

University staff employees who manage a division or subdivision of a major academic or administrative unit and/or exercise significant knowledge, discretion and independent judgment gained through advanced education or experience. This category includes coaches, other than Head or Associate Head Coaches/Coordinators, on individually negotiated contracts. M&P staff are typically exempt employees under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and therefore not subject to the FLSA provisions governing the payment of overtime.

Policy # Policy Title
HRM-020 Probationary Period for University Staff Employees
HRM-021 Terms and Conditions of University Staff Employment
HRM-025 Professional Service and External Consulting for University Staff Employees
HRM-027 Resolving Grievances for University Staff Employees
HRM-030 Recruiting and Hiring of University Staff and Wage Employees