Prohibited Items during an Occurrence – Expanded

Prohibited Items during an Occurrence – Expanded

Any weapon (see definition); any prohibited items during an occurrence - limited (see definition); and any artificial noisemaker*; laser pointer; frisbee; outside ball, bat, stick or other sports equipment (excluding baseball or softball gloves); outside container (including plastic or glass bottle, cup, can, cooler, or flask); outside food and beverage; tent; stroller (except umbrella stroller) (prohibited at Scott Stadium & John Paul Jones Arena only); umbrella (prohibited at Scott Stadium only); animal (except service animal under control); and any bag larger than 12" x 6" x 12" including but not limited to a purse larger than a clutch bag, briefcase, backpack, fanny pack, cinch bag, luggage, computer bag, or camera bag.
Note: Seat cushions and seat backs are permitted as long as they do not have pockets and are not in a carrying bag.
*For men's and women's soccer matches only, artificial noisemakers are allowed; however, air horns, whistles, bullhorns or devices that amplify electric sound, including battery-operated devices, are prohibited.

Policy # Policy Title
SEC-030 Regulation of Weapons, Fireworks, Explosives, and Other Prohibited Items