Prohibited Items during an Occurrence - Limited

Prohibited Items during an Occurrence - Limited

Any weapon (see definition) and any electronic control weapon (e.g., taser), stun gun, heavy gauge metal chain, length of lumber or wood, brick, rock, metal beverage or food can or container, glass bottle, axe, axe handle, hatchet, ice pick, acidic or caustic substance or material, hazardous or flammable or combustible substance, skateboard, sword, knife (regardless of size), dagger, razor blade or other sharp instrument or item, pipe, pepper or bear spray, mace, aerosol spray, catapult, wrist rocket, bat, pole, stick, club, explosive, firework, unmanned aircraft system (a/k/a “UAS” or “Drone”)*, open fire or open flame**, and any other item considered an “implement of riot.”
Note: Glass bottles; metal beverage and food cans or containers; and personal toiletries are prohibited items unless used exclusively for their intended purpose.
*Unless approved in accordance with SEC-040: Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems ("UAS" or "Drones").
**Unless approved in accordance with SEC-032: Open Burn and Open Flame Operations.

Policy # Policy Title
SEC-030 Regulation of Weapons, Fireworks, Explosives, and Other Prohibited Items