BOV-012: Administration of Athletics and the Athletics Advisory Council
Academic Division.
The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia established a policy governing the control of the Department of Athletics and the establishment of the Athletics Advisory Council.
- Terms:There are no terms that require definition.
WHEREAS, the Board of Visitors approved a revised "Standing Policy on Administration of Athletics and the Advisory Council on Athletics" on June 13, 1997; and
WHEREAS, current administrative practices and terms are not consistent with those outlined in the June 13, 1997 policy;
RESOLVED, the policy of June 13, 1997 is hereby rescinded and replaced by the following policy:
Policy on the Administration of Athletics and the Athletics Advisory Council
The responsibility for administration of the Department of Athletics shall be placed on a Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Programs, who shall be appointed by the President of the University, subject to the approval of the Board of Visitors.
The faculty shall, as heretofore, have the responsibility of setting the standards required for the maintenance of acceptable academic standing for students in general. That students who maintain such standards shall be eligible to represent the University in athletic competition, subject to such regulations as may be established by the administrative authorities of the University, including the Board of Visitors, regarding eligibility in respects other than that of acceptable academic standing. The policy of the University concerning scholarships which may be awarded to students who participate in intercollegiate athletics is reserved for decision by the Board of Visitors, which may act with the benefit of recommendations from the administration and the Athletics Advisory Council hereinafter mentioned.
An Athletics Advisory Council is established, consisting of representatives selected by the President of the University from the faculty, the Alumni Association, the Virginia Athletics Foundation, administration, and student body. The Chair of the Athletics Advisory Council shall be designated by the President of the University. At least one of the members should be a student-athlete.
Reference: Revision to the Standing Policy on Administration of Athletics and the Advisory Council on Athletics, BOV Minutes, September 15, 2017.
Reference: Approval of Policy Revision: Approval of Standing Policy on Administration of Athletics and the Advisory Council on Athletics, BOV Minutes, June 13, 1997.
Rescinded: Revision and Reenactment of the Board’s Standing Policy on the Administration of Athletics and the Advisory Council on Athletics, BOV Minutes, December 4, 1970.
Revised 9/15/17.