EXT-014: Use of U.S. Department of Defense Seals or Military Insignias for Educational Programs
Academic Division.
The University has established guidelines to assist in complying with the tenets of the Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the University with regards to military seals and insignia usage.
- Military Service Marks:Those emblems, coats of arms, initials, symbols and other military identifiers used by the Department of Defense and Military Departments for official purposes, including the marks displayed below:
No unit of the University may make promotional or other commercial use of any Military Service Mark in any materials related to its educational programs. This includes, but is not limited to, information displayed on websites, print publications, marketing and promotional materials, and social media pages. Such use may be interpreted as official endorsement of the University’s programs and is strictly prohibited. There is no substitute for the DoD seals and there is no optional graphic to represent the DoD, i.e., the only graphic way to represent the DoD is the authorized seal.
- Events:
- Orientation and Other Events:
Orientation and other events, including student veteran booth displays, must not use Military Service Marks to attract veterans. - Patriotic Special Events:
If University branding is not also incorporated, the use of Military Service marks may be authorized by the University Registrar on flags and written programs for special events recognizing patriotic holidays such as Memorial Day, Armed Forces Day, Independence Day, or Veterans Day.
- Orientation and Other Events:
Admission, Veterans Affairs, Alumni Offices, Service Centers, and Similar Offices:
Military Service marks are prohibited for display in areas used for student recruitment or counseling. Additionally, the Military Service marks may not be used on marketing or promotional materials such as, veterans’ packets, pamphlets, handouts, mailers, new student orientation materials, admission materials, student support programs, alumni services, and school websites.General statements within written text such as “We offer several educational programs to veterans” may be allowed. Support for the Military Services may be expressed with words in lieu of Military Service marks, such as “[School] proudly supports the [Military Service name].”
Academic Regalia with Military Service Marks:
The University is not permitted to sell or rent academic regalia that display any Military Service Mark, whether provided directly by the University or through a third-party vendor.Graduating service members may independently purchase academic regalia that contains a Military Service Mark. Service members should contact their Military Service for further guidance.
- Exception for Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Units:
Active ROTC units are allowed to use official Military Service Marks in accordance with applicable DoD policies and procedures. Additionally, an active unit may create a mark to represent the ROTC program, but it may not be similar to a military seal. Compliance with Policy:
Failure of the University to demonstrate a willingness to resolved findings may result in penalties from a written warning to revocation of the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU and removal from participation in the DoD TA Program, In addition, failure to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion in accordance with relevant University policies.Questions about this policy should be directed to the Office of the University Registrar.
This is the first version of this policy.