FIN-007: Locations Requiring Use of UVA Catering
Academic Division, the Medical Center, and University-Associated Organizations.
Specifies the facilities where catering functions must be provided by University Catering Services. Describes the purpose and different uses for University Catering services.
- Terms:There are no terms that require definition.
University Dining Services, through its Catering Department, has the capability and facilities for providing catering services to departments, faculty, staff, students, officially sponsored or recognized organizations, other state agencies in the local area, and non-state organizations or firms providing a benefit or service to the University (e.g., recruiters on Grounds). Catering service is available on and off Grounds.
Departments wishing to use University Catering may make arrangements directly without using Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services’ bid procedure.
University Catering service is the only caterer allowed to cater in the following locations:
- All Dining Services facilities
- The Rotunda
- Newcomb Hall Ballroom and Commonwealth Room
- Colonnade Hotel
- President’s Box at Scott Stadium
- John Paul Jones Arena
- Davenport Field Suites
- Forum at Observatory Hill Dining Hall
- Green Room at Runk Dining Hall
Compliance with Policy:
Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion in accordance with relevant University policies.
Questions about this policy should be directed to Dining Services.
University Dining Services - Catering
Added Compliance section 7/19/21; Updated 4/7/11, 6/6/07.
VII.F.1, Locations Requiring Use of UVa Catering