HRM-019: University Staff Employees, Medical Center Employees, and Classified Staff Engaged in Teaching
Academic Division and the Medical Center.
This policy is aligned with PROV-008: Teaching Courses for Academic Credit and highlights several requirements for University staff employees, Medical Center employees, and classified staff engaged in teaching academic courses at the University.
- Terms:There are no terms that require definition.
University staff employees, Medical Center employees, and classified staff (collectively referred to as “staff”) may teach an academic course at the University in accordance with the requirements established in PROV-008: Teaching Courses for Academic Credit. Several provisions of PROV-008 have been highlighted below; however, staff members who receive a faculty teaching appointment to teach an academic course should refer to policy PROV-008 to understand the range of responsibilities associated with a faculty teaching appointment, as well as the specific conditions under which staff may be allowed to teach an academic course.
- The staff member must receive advance approval from their supervisor. Supervisors may only approve such requests for staff members who are performing satisfactorily. Before a request is approved, the supervisor and staff member should discuss the full scope of responsibilities associated with teaching an academic course. In addition to instruction, these responsibilities include course preparation, grading, and holding office hours, the expectations for which are enumerated in policy PROV-008: Teaching Courses for Academic Credit.
- The staff member must receive a faculty teaching appointment from the appropriate school.
- Full-time exempt staff who teach a course for academic credit in addition to their normal responsibilities should do so on a release-time basis and will not be compensated beyond their full-time salary. Non-exempt staff may teach only if:
- the teaching activities (e.g., instruction, course preparation, grading, and office hours) can be included within the staff member’s 40-hour work week, or
- the supervisor approves overtime compensation at a rate of 150% of the staff member’s normal rate of pay for hours worked over 40 hours each week per pay period.
In addition to policy PROV-008: Teaching Courses for Academic Credit, instructors of academic courses are expected to abide by other policies that govern academic activities (e.g., PROV-005: Recording of Class Sessions and Distribution of Course Materials, among others).
The faculty teaching appointment that conveys with teaching an academic course is a temporary appointment and terminates automatically in the event the instructor’s primary employment with the University ends.
Compliance with Policy:
Failure to comply with the requirements of PROV-008: Teaching Courses for Academic Credit or this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination in accordance with relevant University policies.
Questions about this policy should be directed to the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost or UVA Human Resources.
Revised policy 10/26/23; Added Compliance section 7/20/21; Revised 12/6/16, 7/1/15.