HRM-039: Approval of Appointments and Reappointments of Senior School and University Administrators
Academic Division.
Requiring deans, vice presidents, the director of intercollegiate athletics, and executive vice presidents to consult with and obtain the approval of their supervisor in the appointment/reappointment of senior administrators ensures that each appointment best serves the leadership needs of the University.
- Appointing Official:Dean, vice president, director of intercollegiate athletics programs, or executive vice president who is appointing an individual as a senior school or University administrator.
- Senior Administrators:Positions that report to a dean, vice president, director of intercollegiate athletics, or executive vice president (including, but not limited to, department chairs, associate deans, associate vice presidents, division chiefs, or vice provosts) that have significant responsibility for overseeing one or more functions of a school or unit.
The anticipated appointment or reappointment of an individual as a senior school or university administrator, including on an interim basis, must be discussed with and approved in advance by the appointing official’s supervisor. The appointing official must consult in advance with his/her supervisor on all aspects of the search/appointment/reappointment process, including development of the position description, appointment of the search committee, and approval of the terms of the final offer.
Compliance with Policy:
Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination in accordance with relevant University policies.
Questions about this policy should be directed to the Office of the President.
- The anticipated appointment or reappointment of an individual as a senior school or university administrator, including on an interim basis, must be discussed with and approved in advance by the appointing official’s supervisor. Advance consultation shall include all aspects of a search/appointment/reappointment process, including development of the position description and appointment of the search committee.
- Before extending an offer (verbal or written) to a final candidate or before making a reappointment, the appointing official must send a written request to his/her supervisor summarizing the individual’s qualifications, identifying any policy or practical issues related to the selection or reappointment, and conveying the proposed financial and administrative terms of the appointment. If the supervisor approves the appointment/reappointment in writing, the appointing official may extend an offer or make a reappointment in accordance with:
- the relevant policies for University Staff; or,
- Policy PROV-024: Academic Faculty Members Appointed to Administrative Positions, if the individual being appointed or reappointed is a member of the academic faculty of the University and will retain their status as a faculty member in an academic department while serving in an administrative position; or,
- Policy HRM-003: Employment of Administrative or Professional General Faculty Members and PROV-006: Extending Offers of Employment to Faculty in Academic Areas, in the event the individual being appointed or reappointed is currently a member of the administrative or professional faculty at the University and wishes to retain that status.
The president and executive vice presidents may establish additional guidelines regarding the reappointment review process.
Added Compliance section 7/21/21.