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IRM-005: Coordination and Approval of Telecommunication Services

Date: 11/26/2004 Status: Final
Last Revised: 06/29/2021
Policy Type: University
Oversight Executive: Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Applies To:

Academic Division, the Medical Center, and University-Associated Organizations.

Reason for Policy:

Information Technology Services provides a central telephone system for all non-student users at the University to facilitate common telecommunication practices and procedures. The policy highlights key responsibilities for use of the University Telephone System.

Definition of Terms in Statement:
  • Non-Student Users:All users except for those whose sole affiliation with the University is student or applicant.
  • University Grounds:The areas where administrative functions, teaching, and research facilities, as well as athletic and recreational facilities of the University that are used by members of the University community are located.
  • University Telephone System:Official name of the University’s telephone system.
Policy Statement:

Information Technology Services (ITS) coordinates and approves telecommunication services in University buildings or on University Grounds. Consultation with ITS is required for other locations or related services. This responsibility extends to the operation of the University Telephone System, reviewing departmental needs, evaluating solutions proposed to meet those needs, and providing appropriate services. In addition, ITS establishes rates for telecommunication services and bills all departments for telephone equipment and services to recover system costs and operating expenses. In Health System locations, ITS shares these responsibilities with Health Information and Technology (Health IT), delegating standard operational activities to them.

Faculty and staff are required to use the University telephone system on University Grounds. Specifically:

  1. Telephone Lines:
    All departments are required to use the University Telephone System in University buildings or University Grounds unless extraordinary circumstances exist. Determination of whether a department qualifies for an exception will be made by ITS and or Health IT and not by the department itself. Should an exception be granted, ITS and Health IT, as appropriate, must assist the department in the procurement and provisioning of services provided by other telecommunication service providers.

    The University retains ownership of all telephone numbers issued to departments or individual users. Individuals and departments must not port the University issued telephone numbers to an outside carrier.

  2. Telephone Equipment:
    ITS and Health IT provide all Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone equipment. Departments are prohibited from connecting non-University Telephone System approved equipment. However, departments may provide and connect analog telephony devices as well as all telephone accessories (examples: fax machines, modems, headsets, etc.).

    Departments are responsible for the VoIP telephone equipment issued to them. Any replacement and/or repair costs due to theft, damage, and/or neglect will be billed back to the department. Theft of telephones or related equipment should be reported immediately to the University Police.

  3. Telephone Location and Emergency Services:
    To support timely and location accurate 911 response, only University Telephone System authorized personnel are allowed to move/relocate telephones and/or lines. University departments that move telephones without working with ITS or Health IT, as appropriate, will be charged for correcting the resulting inventory errors. An accurate inventory is critical for the proper operation of the E-911 emergency location system.
  4. Telephone Usage:
    The University Telephone System is for OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY BUSINESS ONLY. Personal long-distance calls must never be charged to a University telephone number. Anyone charging personal long-distance calls to University numbers is violating Federal and local tax laws.
  5. Obscene, Harassing, Abusive Calls:
    Anyone receiving obscene, harassing, or abusive calls should immediately report the incident to the police by dialing 911.
  6. Request for Telephone Call Detail Records (CDR):
    Requests for CDR information (who called whom, when) that originate from someone other than the person associated with the University phone number should be directed to the Records and Information Management ServiceNow Initiate ESI Hold or Request Form in accordance with University policy IRM-012: Privacy and Confidentiality of University Information.
  7. Compliance with Policy:
    Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination in accordance with relevant University policies. Violation of this policy may also violate federal, state, or local laws.

    Questions about this policy should be directed to Information Technology Services.

Major Category:
Information Resource Management
Next Scheduled Review:
Approved By, Date:
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, 04/05/2007
Revision History:

Combined FIN-011/IRM-005 and updated 6/29/21; Updated 7/18/16, 4/11/11.

Supersedes (previous policy):

FIN-011: Coordination & Approval of Telephone Services; IRM-005: Long Distance Telephone Charges & Calling Cards; VII.O.2: Long Distance Telephone Charges and Calling Cards