PRM-010: Parking Regulations
Academic Division and the Medical Center.
- General
- Prerequisites for Obtaining a Permit
- Types of Permits
- Obtaining a Permit
- Parking Needs or Problems
- Parking Restrictions
- Payment of Parking Fines
- Hearings and Appeals
- Towing and Immobilizing
- Special Event Parking
- Lot Closure/Permit Holder Relocation
- Departing Employees
- Parking for People with Disabilities
- Compliance with Policy
Establishes guidelines for parking by individuals at the University to effectively utilize available parking; help keep unauthorized vehicles out of reserved parking areas; and allow University departments to contact persons promptly about matters that concern their vehicles.
- Terms:There are no terms that require definition.
Parking at the University of Virginia is generally allowed only by permit, except at meters or in attended lots. Permits are valid only in the designated lot and subject to posted restrictions.Parking regulations remain in effect throughout the year, unless otherwise posted. Permit regulations are lifted during certain University and Medical Center holiday seasons. Permit regulations are not lifted during student breaks, but temporary permits for certain lots may be purchased during such periods.
Painted curbs also indicate controlled areas. Yellow paint means parking is prohibited at all times. Red paint means parking is limited according to the posted signs.
Visitors may park in designated areas throughout the University. The Medical Center has designated parking for patients and visitors. Visitors may purchase temporary permits for varying periods of time. The University assumes no responsibility for the care and protection of any vehicle or its contents while parked in any University-controlled area.
Prerequisites for Obtaining a Permit:
Prerequisites to obtain a parking permit include:- Only students, faculty, staff, and those conducting regular University-related business in the immediate area may purchase a permit.
- All outstanding parking fines must be paid.
- Vehicles to be registered must be owned by the person applying for the permit or be owned by a member of the household. Full fees must be paid for each vehicle being parked on Grounds.
- First-year students may not register a vehicle.
The permit holder must register a primary vehicle and notify Parking and Transportation Services of any changes in vehicle registration information.
- Types of Permits:
Permit | Conditions |
Commuter | Staff, Faculty, and off-Grounds Students. |
Storage | Students in University housing. |
Reserved | By waiting list only. Also valid in the Blue areas. |
Resident | University family housing. |
Second Car and Replacement Permits | Available at reduced rates. Only one vehicle is permitted in lots at the same time. Old permits must be returned before replacement permits may be obtained. |
Temporary Permits | Valid for up to three months. |
Transferable Mirror Permits | Available for all non-gated areas. |
- Obtaining a Permit:
Payment at the time of purchase is required. Faculty and full-time classified or University staff may elect to have their permit paid through payroll deduction. Parking permits for students, faculty and staff cannot be charged to departmental funds. Parking Needs or Problems:
Contact P&T during normal business hours for other parking needs or problems, such as:- Authorization to park an unregistered vehicle. In this case, a “prior arrangement” number will be issued to authorize the vehicle for that day. Should a citation be issued, the prior arrangement number should be written on the citation and the citation should be returned to P&T for processing.
- Requests to remove illegally parked vehicles.
- Other special parking arrangements, e.g., parking for people with disabilities.
Contact the University Police for after-hour problems.
- Parking Restrictions:
P&T is responsible for enforcing the University’s parking regulations and does so by assessing fines; towing or immobilizing illegally parked vehicles; and revoking parking privileges. P&T holds the registrant, owner and/or the operator of a vehicle responsible for any violations. If the ticket is the only one issued to a vehicle in the last 12 months and the fine is less than $100, it will be considered a warning ticket with no fine due. An individual may confirm whether they have an outstanding fine by calling P&T. - Payment of Parking Fines:
Payment of parking violations may be made by mail, the web or in person at P&T. After 14 days, any unpaid or un-appealed tickets will be considered delinquent and a late penalty added. - Hearings and Appeals:
Any person issued a parking ticket may appeal it by requesting a hearing with P&T within 14 days, after which all appeal rights are forfeited. A Hearing Officer will decide if a violation has occurred and if any mitigating circumstances warrant dismissal of the ticket. A ticket sustained by the hearing may be appealed to the University Traffic Appeals Committee within 14 working days after the hearing, after which all appeal rights are forfeited. A person may appear before the Appeals Committee by requesting such on the appeal form. - Towing and Immobilizing:
P&T or the University Police may immobilize, remove, or put into storage any vehicle violating University parking regulations at the owner’s expense. Additionally, P&T may tow a vehicle that has outstanding fines of $250 or more from the University Grounds at the owner’s expense. - Special Event Parking:
Parking areas of the University may be reserved for other events, such as: plays, concerts, speeches, ceremonies, etc. For home football games, the parking around Scott Stadium may be restricted. For home basketball games and events at the John Paul Jones Arena, the University Hall and JPJ Arena parking areas are reserved the day of the game/event. - Lot Closure/Permit Holder Relocation:
When a lot closes or permit holders must be relocated temporarily or permanently, Parking & Transportation will establish and manage any relocation requirements and communicate the details. Departing Employees:
PERMANENT DEPARTURES: Employees must return unexpired parking permits to P&T before departing. Failure to return the permits may result in one of the following consequences:EXTENDED LEAVE: Contact P&T as soon as possible. P&T will try to arrange a fair solution, to include sublet arrangements. Not contacting P&T to work out the parking space details while on extended leave can cause loss of parking space and/or forfeiture of any balance due.
- PAYROLL DEDUCTION: Persons paying for the permits by payroll deduction and not returning them before permanent departure will be billed for the balance of the permit year.
- PREPAYMENT: Persons prepaying for parking permits and not returning them before permanent departure will forfeit any refund due.
- Parking for People with Disabilities:
Parking spaces for people with disabilities are restricted to vehicles as follows:University (Academic) parking lots:
Vehicles displaying a:- valid Disabled Parking Placard or license plate issued by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV); or
- hang-tag issued by Parking & Transportation.
The Disabled Parking Placard or license plate issued by DMV must be registered to the operator of the vehicle.
Vehicles parked in these spaces not displaying a Disabled Parking Placard or license plate or appropriate hang-tag issued by Parking and Transportation will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense. THIS POLICY IS STRICTLY ENFORCED.
Medical Center parking:
Parking for Patients and Visitors with Disabilities:
Parking spaces for people with disabilities in patient garages and surface lots are protected for patient and visitor use at all times. No employee parking is permitted.Parking for Employees with Disabilities:
A Medical Center reserved parking permit is required in addition to a Disabled Parking Placard or license plate issued by DMV.Employees must obtain a permit to park in one of the Medical Center close-in-lots and provide medical documentation to support the need. (A form is available from the Office of Facilities Planning and Capital Development – Health System Parking Operations.) This accommodation provides close parking within a permit lot.
The Disabled Parking Placard or license plate issued by DMV must be registered to the operator of the vehicle.
Compliance with Policy:
Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion in accordance with relevant University policies.Questions about this policy should be directed to Parking and Transportation Services.
Added Compliance section 7/21/21; Updated 6/26/13, 4/14/11.
VII.Q.2, Parking Regulations.