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PROV-009: Faculty Holding Appointments at Other Institutions or Organizations

Date: 03/29/2010 Status: Final
Last Revised: 05/24/2024
Policy Type: Executive Vice President & Provost
Oversight Executive: Executive Vice President and Provost
Applies To:

Academic Division.

Reason for Policy:

The University can benefit from faculty taking part in external opportunities to foster intellectual development and research collaborations. The University has established guidelines for faculty holding appointments at other institutions or organizations.

Definition of Terms in Statement:
  • Full-Time Equivalent (FTE):A unit that indicates the workload of an employee or student in a way that makes effort comparable across various contexts. An FTE of 1.0 is equivalent to a full-time employee or student, while an FTE of 0.5 signals half of a full work or academic load.
  • Full-Time Faculty:A faculty member employed by UVA whose workload is 1.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE).
  • Part-Time Faculty:A faculty member employed by UVA for less than 1.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE).
  • Visiting Appointment:An appointment at another institution or organization for a short term, usually one year or less, during which time the faculty member is on leave from the University.
Policy Statement:

The primary commitments of time and intellectual energy by a member of the University faculty should focus on the University’s educational, research, service, and/or patient care missions as appropriate for the nature of the position and in proportion to the corresponding percentages of compensated effort.

  1. Visiting Appointment:
    A faculty member may request a leave of absence for educational purposes (per policy HRM-038: Faculty Leaves) to assume a visiting appointment at another institution or organization at the discretion of their department chair and school dean as detailed below provided that there is a benefit to the faculty member, the school, and the University.

  2. Full-Time Faculty Employed for less than 12 Months:
    Full-Time faculty employed for less than 12-months per year may hold visiting or temporary appointments during their non-contractual months at their discretion provided these appointments do not conflict in any way with any commitment to the University, including summer grant support administered through the University.

  3. Full-Time Faculty Holding Non-Visiting Appointments:
    Full-time faculty members are not permitted to accept or hold a non-visiting appointment at another educational institution or organization unless granted an exception by the executive vice president and provost (provost). If a full-time member of the University faculty wishes to accept an academic or administrative position at another institution or organization, that individual will be required to resign from the University of Virginia faculty; a leave of absence for such a purpose will not be granted. Resignations should be submitted per policy HRM-004: Faculty Resignation and Retirement Notice.

  4. Part-Time Faculty:
    Part-time faculty members may hold either part-time visiting or non-visiting appointments at other institutions, provided these appointments do not conflict in any way with their commitments to the University. Such appointments must be limited to the percentage of their effort that is not committed to the University.

  5. Exception:
    Upon recommendation from the faculty member’s department chair and dean or unit head, the provost may, at their discretion, approve an exception to this policy only when there is a clear benefit to the school and University. Such exceptions are extremely rare and are based on compelling reasons.
  1. To assume a visiting appointment at another institution or organization under the terms of Section 1 above, a faculty member must make a request in writing to their department chair or immediate supervisor and their school dean or unit head. The request should describe one's professional development goals as well as the potential benefits for the school and the University that may be accomplished from the visit. The proposal to visit should address the school’s need for workload assignments and other support.

  2. Proposals to hold non-visiting appointments at other educational institutions or organizations are rarely granted and must be approved, in writing, by the provost. To request an exception to this policy for a non-visiting appointment at another institution or organization, the faculty member should submit to their school dean or unit head a written justification for the proposed arrangement demonstrating:

    • The clear benefit to the school and the University.
    • Intentions regarding the allocation of time between the two institutions.
    • Ability to contribute significant service to the University consistent with their faculty appointment.
    • The means for resolving any conflicts of interest that may arise.

    Deans who wish to support such a request should forward it to the provost with a written recommendation to approve.

Major Category:
Executive Vice President & Provost Policies
Next Scheduled Review:
Approved By, Date:
Executive Vice President and Provost, 03/29/2010
Revision History:

Revised 5/24/24.