SEC-042: Prohibition on Dogs Running at Large
Academic Division.
The University is committed to providing a safe environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors by communicating and enforcing the requirements of Albemarle County ordinance, Section 4-200, and the City of Charlottesville ordinance, Section 4-38.
- University Grounds:The areas where administrative functions, teaching, and research facilities, as well as athletic and recreational facilities of the University that are used by members of the University community are located.
The University prohibits dogs running at large on University grounds in accordance with Section 4-200, Albemarle County Ordinance and Section 4-38, City of Charlottesville Ordinance.
Compliance with Policy:
Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion in accordance with relevant University policies. Any person who permits his or her dog to run at large shall be deemed to have violated the provisions of the applicable ordinance and upon conviction shall be fined at the discretion of the judge trying the case.
Questions about this policy should be directed to the University Police Division.
Confirmed, updated link 3/15/22.
Dogs Running at Large (Undergraduate Record).