BOV-003: Assignment of Pavilions on the Lawn, Weedon House, Montebello, and Sunnyside
Academic Division.
Sets forth a process for assigning Pavilions on the Lawn and other specified faculty housing by order of precedence as devised by the Board of Visitors.
- Pavilion:Ten structures on the Lawn originally used as homes for faculty and their families and as classroom space. Currently, nine provide faculty or senior administrator housing. Pavilion VII, the Colonnade Club, serves as the faculty club.
RESOLVED, the Board approves the revisions dated June 10, 2010 to the Policy on the Assignment of Pavilions on the Lawn and Montebello, to add Weedon House and Sunnyside as residences assigned by the Board.
Lawn Pavilions, Weedon House, and Montebello
Residence in a Lawn Pavilion, Weedon House, or Montebello is a privilege that entails certain obligations. Residents must have an interest in being true members of Thomas Jefferson’s “Academical Village” in the sense the Founder envisioned, which is to say a community of faculty and students living together and working together. To this end, residents must use their assigned residence as their principal residence and they must be willing to have frequent contact with their student neighbors and to participate fully in the life of the University community. Pavilion residents must participate fully in the life of the Lawn community. Applicants for Pavilions, Weedon House, and Montebello must agree to these conditions before being considered for residence.
Residence in Sunnyside is available to vice presidents, deans, and full professors with a preference for those teaching at the School of Law or the Darden School of Business. Faculty visiting for a year or more are eligible to apply; however, assignment to Sunnyside may not be used as an inducement in recruiting faculty or administrators to the University. The selection of residents for Sunnyside shall be administered by the committee described in I.b., below.
- Order of Precedence for Lawn Pavilions (other than Pavilion VIII apartments), Montebello, and Weedon House
The Board of Visitors for some years has followed an order of precedence, which it devised, in considering tenants for the Pavilions (other than Pavilion VIII apartments) and Montebello. Weedon House was added to the policy in 2010. The spirit of this order of precedence must not be violated if there is to be a fair and equitable assignment procedure. Pavilions, Weedon House, and Montebello or the promise of being assigned one of these residences, under no circumstances shall be used as an inducement in recruiting faculty or administrators to the University nor shall any assignment process be used other than the one approved by the Board and outlined in these procedures.
Priority shall be accorded the Provost, the Vice President and Chief Student Affairs Officer, and any vice president nominated by the President and agreed to by the Board, and to the academic deans in order of the founding of several schools, followed by the faculty.
Specifically, the order shall be as follows:
- The Vice President and Provost
- The Vice President and Chief Student Affairs Officer
- Any vice president nominated by the President and agreed to by the Board
- The Dean of the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
- The Dean of the School of Medicine
- The Dean of the School of Law
- The Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science
- The Dean of the Curry School of Education
- The Dean of the McIntire School of Commerce
- The Dean of the School of Architecture
- The Dean of the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration
- The Dean of the School of Nursing
- The Dean of the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy.
- The Dean of the School of Data Science
Following the assignment of Pavilions to those identified in I.a., above, remaining assignments shall be recommended to the Board by a committee consisting of the Secretary to the Board of Visitors, the chair of the Faculty Senate, and the holder(s) of the Gray-Carrington Award. The Secretary to the Board shall serve as the chair of the committee. The committee shall submit its recommendations to the Board for approval.
The committee will advertise vacancies among the faculty through the academic deans' offices and the Faculty Senate.
All applicants will complete an application form issued by the committee.
Qualifications for the assignment of residences shall include:
Assignees, other than eligible vice presidents and deans, shall hold the rank of full professor, and shall have demonstrated excellence in teaching and in interaction with students.
The following full professors are not eligible for assignment to residences:
- Part-time professors
- Professors who have entered into retirement contracts with the University.
Assignment of Pavilion VIII Apartments
Junior faculty shall be encouraged to apply for the two Pavilion VIII apartments. The process for selecting tenants for these apartments was devised by the Provost’s Office and shall be administered by the committee described in I.b. As with other Pavilion residents, applicants for the apartments must be willing to have frequent interaction with their student neighbors and to participate fully in the life of the Lawn. - Lease Terms
Leases of the of the Pavilions, including the Pavilion VIII apartments, Weedon House, Sunnyside, and Montebello, shall be for five years. The five year leases for the Pavilion VIII apartments will not be renewable, but leases for the other residences may be renewed for a second five year term upon approval by the Executive Committee of the Board.
Pavilion, Weedon House, Sunnyside, and Montebello tenants who resign from the University shall vacate the premises within 30 days of the date of resignation. Retiring faculty must vacate the premises by June 30th of the year of retirement. Vice presidents and deans who leave their administrative positions but remain at the University shall vacate the premises no later than 120 days after leaving the administrative position. The family of a tenant who dies during an academic year may occupy the residence until the following summer term, or at some other date approved in consideration of the relict family's circumstances.
A prospective occupant’s willingness to assign space in a Pavilion for classes or seminars will be considered an additional qualification. In Pavilion V, however, space for classes was designed when the building was restored and classes will be conducted there. The scheduling of these classes will be done by the Registrar in consultation with the Pavilion occupant, but the classroom will be used according to a regular schedule.
Leases for all residences under this Policy shall conform to a standard devised by the Housing Division and the Office of the General Counsel, in consultation with the committee described in I.b.
Adopted by
The Board of Visitors
October 1999Revised by
The Board of Visitors
February 9, 2007, November 16, 2009, June 10, 2010, and December 9, 2022
Reference: December 9, 2022 BOV Minutes
Assignment of Pavilions on the Lawn, Weedon House, Montebello and Sunnyside, pgs. 8109 - 8112. (revised June 10, 2010)
Pavilion Assignment Policy (revised November 16, 2009)
Pavilion Assignment Policy, pg. 7251. (revised February 9, 2007)
Pavilion Assignment Policy adopted October 15, 1999