Physical Resource Management
Physical Resource Management
Policies related to the management and use of University physical facilities, capital assets, infrastructure elements and installations.
Policy # | Policy Title |
BOV-003 | Assignment of Pavilions on the Lawn, Weedon House, Montebello, and Sunnyside |
BOV-013 | Involvement of the Board of Visitors in the Capital Planning Process |
FIN-034 | Accounting Requirements for Equipment Assets |
PRM-001 | Use of University Airplane or Private Air Transportation Service |
PRM-002 | Energy Management and Sustainability |
PRM-003 | Waste Minimization and Landfill Diversion (formerly Recycling) |
PRM-004 | Excavation |
PRM-006 | Parking Policy for Capital Projects |
PRM-007 | Use of the Rotunda |
PRM-008 | Exterior Posting and Chalking |
PRM-009 | Provision of Mass Transit and Charter Services at the University |
PRM-010 | Parking Regulations |
PRM-011 | Use of Working Time and University Equipment for Personal or Commercial Purposes |
PRM-012 | Space and Real Estate Transactions |
PRM-013 | Posting on the HooView Electronic Network in Newcomb Hall |
PRM-014 | Use and Management of University Vehicles |
PRM-015 | Transferring Responsibility for Real Property Assets |
PRM-016 | Surplus Property Disposal |
PRM-017 | Duties Toward Speakers and Use of University Facilities or Property |
PRM-018 | Issuance of Trespass Warnings |
PRM-019 | Riding, Parking, and Storing Bicycles at the University |
PRM-021 | Commercial Filming in University Facilities or on University Property |
SEC-002 | Environmental Management |
SEC-039 | Protests, Demonstrations, and Other Expressive Activities during Official University Ceremonies and Events held at the Academical Village |