PRM-006: Parking Policy for Capital Projects
Academic Division and the Medical Center (for new construction projects, building additions, and renovation projects).
Capital projects may result in the loss of existing parking and/or may generate new parking demands.
- Terms:There are no terms that require definition.
Capital projects authorized after July 1, 2005, must address parking impacts during construction as well as the permanent loss of parking spaces and additional parking needs.
Parking is a vital component of the University of Virginia’s infrastructure. The University is committed to providing safe and reasonable access to its facilities for all members of the University community including faculty, staff, students, visitors, and patients.
- General Requirements:
The planning for new facilities, renovations and additions must address: (1) the temporary loss of existing parking spaces during construction; (2) the permanent loss of existing parking spaces as a result of a project; and (3) the additional parking needs generated by a project. Temporary Loss of Parking:
Projects that require the temporary loss of existing parking during construction will reimburse the University’s Department of Parking and Transportation Services for parking revenue lost while the parking spaces are out of service. The revenue calculation will be based on the rate charged for the lost spaces, the utilization factor for the spaces and the length of time the spaces will be out of service. Reimbursement will be made at the time the spaces are taken out of service. If the spaces will be out of service for more than a year, the reimbursement can be made on an annual basis.As an alternative, projects may create temporary parking to replace lost spaces, provided the location of the temporary spaces is approved by the Department of Parking and Transportation Services and the Office of the Architect for the University (OAU).
- Permanent Loss of Existing Parking:
Projects are to provide replacement parking for existing parking spaces that are permanently lost as a result of the project. If the project does not construct replacement parking, funding for it will be transferred to the University’s parking development fund. The contribution amount will be based on (1) the number of spaces lost and (2) the low end of the benchmark cost range for construction of above-ground-structured-parking as found in the Facilities Management benchmark cost matrix that is in effect at the time of project initiation. During the review of a project’s initiation form, the OAU will determine if the project will require the permanent loss of parking and will request a space count by the Department of Parking and Transportation Services. The OAU will then set the contribution amount using the count and benchmark costs. The contribution amount will be verified prior to the start of construction. The contribution, which will be required at the start of the project’s construction phase, must be made from cash sources; bond proceeds or state general funds may not be used. - Additional Parking Demand:
Projects are to provide parking for any incremental parking demand they generate. If the needed parking will not be constructed as a part of the project, funding for it will be transferred to the University’s parking development fund. The contribution amount will be based on (1) the number of incremental spaces needed and (2) the low end of the benchmark cost range for construction of above-ground-structured-parking as found in the Facilities Management benchmark cost matrix that is in effect at the time of project initiation. During the review of a project’s initiation form, the OAU will determine if the project generates the need for additional parking and will work with the project proponent and the Department of Parking and Transportation Services to determine the number of spaces needed. The OAU will then set the contribution amount using the benchmark costs. The contribution amount will be verified prior to the start of construction. The contribution, which will be required at the start of the project’s construction phase, must be made from cash sources; bond proceeds or state general funds may not be used. - Guidelines for Determining the Additional Parking Demand:
The following guidelines will be used to determine the additional parking demand:- Faculty and Staff:
The number of additional parking spaces will be calculated by multiplying the incremental faculty and staff increases that will be made possible by the project times the University’s current permit sales ratios for faculty and staff. This requirement applies even in situations where existing faculty and staff are moved into the new project, and new employees are moved into existing facilities. If the project supports increases in graduate students who function as staff, and if it is expected that these individuals will require parking, the anticipated incremental increase in graduate students will be factored into the faculty and staff count. - Students for Upper-Class Dorms:
The number of additional parking spaces will be calculated by multiplying the number of upper-class students supported by the project times the University’s current permit sales ratio for upper-class students living on Grounds. - Patients and Visitors:
The number of parking spaces will be based on projected peak hourly visitation and on the University’s garage user ratios.
- Faculty and Staff:
Compliance with Policy:
Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination in accordance with relevant University policies.Questions about this policy should be directed to Business Operations.
This is the first written version of a policy that has been practice.
Added Compliance section 7/21/21.