FIN-055: Faculty and Staff International Travel
Academic Division.
The University of Virginia recognizes the critical importance of international travel by faculty and staff for University-related purposes in the areas of education, research, and service. In order to adequately support the health, safety, and security of University employees traveling internationally on University-related business, the University is implementing a requirement to register the itineraries and contact information for all international travel by University faculty and staff. This registration will automatically grant insurance coverage to provide emergency and medical support as needed during such travel. While prior approval to undertake international travel is not required, the University retains the authority to prohibit or otherwise restrict the expenditure of University funds for travel to specific destinations in cases of extreme risk to travelers’ security.
- Accompanying Persons:Anyone traveling with a member of University faculty, staff, senior professional research staff, postdoctoral research associates, and non-employee post-doctoral fellows (i.e., a Covered Individual) including, but not limited to, a spouse or dependent, excluding University students.
- Covered Individuals:All University Academic Division faculty (full-time, part-time, and adjunct), staff, professional research staff, post-doctoral research associates employed by the University, and non-employee post-doctoral fellows.
- International Health and Emergency Assistance Insurance:Healthcare, medical evacuation, security evacuation, repatriation of remains, and emergency assistance insurance coverage for individuals on University-related international travel.
- International Travel:Travel to outside of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. NB: travel to U.S. territories and other possessions of the U.S. is considered international travel and is thus subject to the requirements of this policy.
- International Travel Registry:A confidential and secure database maintained by the University’s International Studies Office for tracking travel itinerary and contact information for persons on University-related international travel.
- University-Related International Travel:Travel that (1) utilizes University resources; (2) draws on funds disbursed through the University; (3) involves University faculty and staff acting in an academic or professional capacity relevant to the person’s area of responsibility, activities (including co-curricular and extracurricular), course of research, teaching, or study at UVA or is undertaken with or organized by any University school/unit/department or other organization, even when that travel is not for an academic or professional purpose; (4) is required and/or approved by the traveler’s department or unit; or (5) is funded by a third party or paid with personal funds, provided the purpose of the travel is related to the individual’s position at the University.
The University has established international travel requirements that Covered Individuals must meet before and during University-Related International Travel. This policy does not apply to personal international travel, though the resources identified in this document can be helpful in planning personal travel. University-Related International Travel may include, but is not limited to, travel for the purpose of study, research, internships, service, conferences, presentations, teaching, performances, competitions, fieldwork, recruiting, site visits, professional development, leave for professional reasons (sabbatical leave and educational leave), required certification activities, clinical work, outreach (engagement/development), or administrative objectives.
Covered Individuals engaging in University-Related International Travel must register in the International Travel Registry at least seven days before departure and participate in International Health and Emergency Assistance Insurance, which will be provided automatically to registered travelers at no charge. Covered Individuals who have registered for University-Related International Travel will have the option to also register Accompanying Persons traveling with them, and to purchase International Health and Emergency Assistance Insurance through the University’s policy for them using personal (i.e., non-University) funds. Travelers are responsible for understanding their international insurance options, including any coverage provided by the University, and needs that may exceed current coverage and require purchase of additional insurance.
While Covered Individuals engaged in University-Related International Travel are not required to secure formal University approval for their travel in addition to registering it, the University may alert travelers to destinations with significant health, safety, or security risks that require unusual caution and risk mitigation strategies. The University retains the authority to prohibit or otherwise restrict the expenditure of University funds for travel to specific destinations in cases of extreme risk to travelers’ security. To make that determination, the Office of the Vice Provost for Global Affairs may solicit additional information such as the traveler’s risk mitigation plans, particularly for destinations for which the U.S. State Department has issued a level 4/”Do Not Travel” advisory.
Schools, departments, and units may adopt additional requirements related to international travel but may neither waive nor supplant the requirements of this policy. Individuals planning and leading group travel activities that involve students or Graduate Medical Education (GME) trainees must adhere to policy PROV-010: Student International Travel.
- Roles and Responsibilities:
Each person involved in international travel or the management of international travel for faculty or staff is responsible for adhering to University policies and procedures. Specifically:- The International Studies Office is responsible for:
- Monitoring international threat and risk conditions.
- Posting University Travel Restrictions (applicable to student travel), State Department Advisories, Centers for Disease Control Warnings, and Department of Treasury Sanctioned Countries on its website.
- Administering the International Travel Registry.
- The Office of Property and Liability Risk Management is responsible for:
- Determining aggregate minimum insurance coverage for the International Health and Emergency Assistance Insurance.
- Confirming insurance coverage for medical situations, security evacuation, and repatriation.
- The Office of Emergency Management is responsible for:
- Establishing an Emergency Response Plan for Covered Individuals in emergency situations during University-Related International Travel in coordination with the International Studies Office and other University offices with relevant expertise and responsibilities.
- Serving as the University’s principal point of contact with providers of International Health and Emergency Assistance Insurance.
Covered Individuals are responsible for:
Before Departure:
- Reading and understanding the International Travel Policy for Faculty and Staff, and any applicable School/Department/Unit guidelines.
- Recording University-related international travel in the International Travel Registry at least seven days before departure.
- (If traveling with University-enrolled students) Ensuring that all students will be traveling in compliance with the University’s policy for Student International Travel.
- (If traveler is a foreign national employee utilizing a University-sponsored visa status such as H-1B, O-1, TN, or E3) Consulting with the University’s Immigration Services office in Human Resources to mitigate the risk of any issues with the traveler’s re-entry to the U.S.
- Auto-enrolling (at no cost) in the International Health and Emergency Assistance Insurance by registering travel information in the International Travel Registry and:
- Becoming familiar with the contact information for the International Health and Emergency Assistance insurance provider by printing documentation, downloading the app, or accessing the website (Covered Individuals will receive an email with links to this information after registering their travel).
- Having contact information for in-country emergency services (911 equivalent).
- Having contact information for the closest United States Consulate or, if not a United States citizen, for the traveler’s home country consulate.
- Registering for alerts from the United States Consulate closest to their destination.
- Considering whether to register Accompanying Persons in the University’s International Travel Registry and to purchase International Health and Emergency Assistance Insurance for them.
- Consulting travel warnings, sanctions policy, and other advisory information for the destination country(ies) available, among others, from the University’s International Studies Office, U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC), and the Centers for Disease Control. (The Office of the Vice Provost for Global Affairs and the International Studies Office can help advise on the latest threat information at individual destinations). In the case of high-risk destinations, consulting with the supervisor or funder of the travel on:
- whether the benefit of travel outweighs the risk.
- risk-mitigation strategies.
- whether the travel can be postponed.
- (If a U.S. citizen) Registering travel in the United States Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) and confirming passport is valid for six months past the intended date of return and contains at least two blank pages.
- (If not a U.S. citizen or green cardholder) Registering with home country’s Embassy and equivalent emergency support service, if one exists.
- Complying with the visa requirements for the country(ies) of destination.
- Receiving necessary inoculations and medications, and acquiring documentation that the inoculations and medications have been administered.
- Understanding the responsibilities associated with purchases and reimbursements.
- Complying with the import/export requirements for the country(ies) of destination.
[Note: There is a great deal of variation among countries in their import/export requirements, and consequences for violating them can be severe, including significant monetary, civil, and/or criminal penalties. Import restrictions may apply to the encrypted information, gifts, donations, consumable supplies, and/or equipment being temporarily imported to conduct university activities. Similarly, export requirements may apply to research samples or other items obtained in the country that will be hand-carried or shipped back to the United States.] - Adhering to University policy FIN-043: Managing Export and Sanction Compliance in Support of University Activities.
[Note: Government agencies such as the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Commerce, and the Office of Foreign Asset Control have lists of persons and entities that the University is prohibited from doing business with. For more information regarding these issues, please visit the University’s Export Controls website.] - Consulting with their local support partner (LSP) and/or Information Security for assistance in securing any University-owned or managed electronic devices (e.g., smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc.) being taken abroad.
- (If a clinician employed by the University Physicians Group and planning to conduct clinical activities while traveling internationally) Contacting the Chief Executive Officer of Piedmont Liability Trust to fully understand the scope of liability insurance coverage.
During Travel:
- Updating the International Travel Registry as changes in the traveler’s itinerary and/or contact information occur.
- Understanding that in the event of an emergency, requests to the University for immediate assistance will be directed to the International Health and Emergency Assistance Insurance provider and, as appropriate, to the United States Consulate, local authorities, and local hosts/partners.
- Conducting themselves in a professional manner consistent with the high standards of the University.
- Adhering to all laws, regulations, ordinances, and customs of the travel destination(s).
- The International Studies Office is responsible for:
Compliance with Policy:
The University may refuse to fund or reimburse any expenses connected with University-Related International Travel not conducted within the terms of this policy.Questions about this policy should be directed to the Office of the Vice Provost for Global Affairs.
Faculty and staff travelers should register their planned travel no later than seven days before departure on the International Travel Registry and follow instructions. The link will also be available on the websites of UVAGlobal, TravelUVA, and the International Studies Office. Travelers will need to provide their travel dates, locations, and flight/transit details; emergency contact information; and on-site contact information. Travelers should update their registration if their travel plans change before or during their travel.
Revised 3rd paragraph of Policy Statement 11/3/23; Added 2nd to last bullet in Section 1.D Before Departure 3/29/22.