Safety, Security and Environmental Quality
Safety, Security and Environmental Quality
Policies related to the protection of University facilities and of the people who live, work, play or visit these facilities.
Policy # | Policy Title |
FIN-055 | Faculty and Staff International Travel |
HRM-028 | Preventing and Addressing Threats or Acts of Violence |
HRM-050 | Protection of Minors and Reporting Abuse |
IRM-013 | Issuance of an Emergency Notification |
IRM-018 | Issuance of a Safety Advisory (Timely Warning) |
PRM-003 | Waste Minimization and Landfill Diversion (formerly Recycling) |
PRM-018 | Issuance of Trespass Warnings |
PRM-019 | Riding, Parking, and Storing Bicycles at the University |
SEC-001 | Emergency Management and Continuity of Operations |
SEC-002 | Environmental Management |
SEC-003 | Chemical Safety and Waste Training |
SEC-004 | Collection and Disposal of Regulated Hazardous Materials & Hazardous (Chemical) Waste |
SEC-005 | Safety of Students in Laboratories, Makerspaces, Shops, and Studios |
SEC-006 | Regulated Medical Waste Management |
SEC-007 | Management of Asbestos-Containing Materials and Lead-Containing Materials in University Facilities |
SEC-008 | Concealment of Identity |
SEC-009 | Radiation Safety Program |
SEC-010 | Radiation Worker Protection during Pregnancy |
SEC-011 | Laser Safety |
SEC-012 | Biosafety |
SEC-013 | Tent Use on University Property |
SEC-014 | Hallway Storage and Other Hallway Use |
SEC-015 | Extension Cord Use |
SEC-016 | Prohibition of Cut Trees in all State-Owned and Leased University Facilities |
SEC-017 | Attic Storage |