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HRM-013: Available Leave Types for University Staff Employees

Date: 10/19/2021 Status: Final
Last Revised: 03/07/2023
Policy Type: University
Contact Office: Benefits and Leave Center
Oversight Executive: Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Applies To:

Academic Division and the College at Wise.

Reason for Policy:

This Policy is a comprehensive resource for the various types of leaves available to University staff employees with a link to each individual policy. (This policy does not address leave types for faculty or classified staff.)

Definition of Terms in Statement:
  • Leave:An authorized absence from work for various reasons such as vacation, personal illnesses, family illnesses, bereavement, attend to personal business, etc. Most types of leave are paid. However, unpaid leave time may be granted under some circumstances.
  • University Staff Employees (University Staff):Those salaried, non-faculty employees hired on or after July 1, 2006, and those salaried non-faculty employees and administrative and professional faculty electing to participate in the UVA Human Resources System established by the Board of Visitors under the authority granted by the Restructuring Act and the Management Agreement. (The term “University Staff Employee” includes all three categories of University staff employees - Operational & Administrative, Managerial & Professional, and Executive & Senior Administrative.)
Policy Statement:

The University provides multiple leave types to University staff employees, some of which are required by law, and some of which are provided as an additional employee benefit. This policy summarizes University staff leave types and references the specific policy that provides detailed eligibility criteria and other critical information for use of the specific leave.

  1. Paid Leave Types:
    The University provides paid leave in accordance with these University policies:

    The University provides paid leave in accordance with the Virginia Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) policies:

    • 3.10 - Compensatory Leave - Taken for having worked additional hours in a workweek (e.g., an official office closing day, holiday, scheduled day off, or when a holiday falls on the University staff employee's scheduled day off).
    • 4.05 - Civil and Work-Related Leave - Used when performing certain civic duties or participating in the formal resolution of workplace conflicts.
    • 4.15 - Educational Leave – Used to allow a University staff employee time to further their education through study related to their work or that of the University.
    • 4.37 - Leave to Donate Bone Marrow or Organs - Used during the period that is medically necessary for donation of bone marrow or an organ and subsequent recuperation.
    • 4.40 - School Assistance and Volunteer Service Leave – Used for volunteer services through eligible non-profit organizations which may be provided as a member of a service organization or through authorized school assistance.
    • 4.50 – Military Leave – Provided for active duty in the armed services of the United States. Allows former and inactive members of the armed services or current members of the reserve forces to take leave in accordance with federal and state law.
    • 4.60 - Workers Compensation – Provided for an incapacitating injury/illness caused by the job.
  2. Unpaid Leave Types:
    University staff employees may take leave without pay in accordance with the following University policy:

    • HRM-026: Family, Medical, and Military Leave – Assists the employee in their efforts to balance the operational demands and needs of the workplace with their individual needs and the needs of their family. Managers should contact the Benefits & Leave Center (UVA Human Resources) immediately for guidance when it appears a University staff employee will be out for an extended period.

    University staff employees may take leave without pay in accordance with these DHRM policies:

  3. Compliance with Policy:
    Failure to comply with the requirements of the policies noted above may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion in accordance with relevant University policies. Potential penalties for noncompliance with a law or regulation stipulated in specific leave policies depends on several factors, including but not limited to, the degree of non-compliance, the number of prior instances of noncompliance and penalties imposed, whether noncompliance rises to the level of the imposition of civil monetary penalties or criminal conviction, etc.

    Questions about this policy or any of the specific leave policies noted above should be directed to Benefits and Leave Center (UVA HR).


Contact Benefits, Leave & Payroll (UVA Human Resources) or review the UVA Human Resources website at: https://hr.virginia.edu/.

Major Category:
Human Resource Management
Next Scheduled Review:
Approved By, Date:
Policy Review Committee, 11/16/2021
Revision History:

Condensed 3/7/23.