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HRM-013.01: Paid Leave for University Staff Employees

Date: 10/26/2021 Status: Final
Last Revised: 11/16/2021
Policy Type: University
Contact Office: Benefits and Leave Center
Oversight Executive: Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Applies To:

Academic Division and the College at Wise.

Reason for Policy:

The University recognizes the needs of University staff employees (University staff) for time away from work for personal, family, community, and other outside obligations. At the same time, the University has established guidelines for reasonable limits on paid time off for University staff, such that each individual’s job responsibilities are properly sustained, and all University staff are treated fairly and consistently in matters concerning leave and time away from work.

Definition of Terms in Statement:
  • Leave:An authorized absence from work for various reasons such as vacation, personal illnesses, family illnesses, bereavement, attend to personal business, etc. Most types of leave are paid. However, unpaid leave time may be granted under some circumstances.
  • Leave Plan Year:Begins with the first day of the pay period which includes January 1 (known as pay period 1) and ends on the last day of the pay period preceding pay period 1 of the following year.
  • Paid Leave:There are two types of paid leave available to University staff employees:
    1. Leave time determined at a variable rate that is based on an employee’s years of service, the use of which usually is approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor and may be used for any purpose including but not limited to vacation, personal and family illness, bereavement, attend to personal business, etc., but requiring no specific justification or explanation by the employee. This is referred to throughout the policy as paid leave.
    2. Leave time provided at a predetermined rate, the use of which is approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor and must be used for the specific purpose for which it was intended (e.g., Civil and Work-Related Leave, School Assistance and Volunteer Service Leave, etc.).
  • University Staff Employees (University Staff):Those salaried, non-faculty employees hired on or after July 1, 2006, and those salaried non-faculty employees and administrative and professional faculty electing to participate in the UVA Human Resources System established by the Board of Visitors under the authority granted by the Restructuring Act and the Management Agreement. (The term “University Staff Employee” includes all three categories of University staff employees - Operational & Administrative, Managerial & Professional, and Executive & Senior Administrative.)
Policy Statement:

The University has established a leave plan for University staff employees (University staff) for time away from work for a variety of reasons. Such leave must be approved and recorded in a manner that protects the interests of both the University and University staff.

  1. Eligibility:
    All full-time and part-time salaried University staff in benefit-eligible positions who are regularly scheduled to work a minimum of 20 hours to 40 hours per workweek are eligible to receive University staff leave at a rate determined by years of benefit-eligible employment with the University, the Medical Center, or any agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, up to the established maximum indicated in the chart below. Years of service need not be continuous.

Table A - University Staff Paid Leave Plan





Maximum Annual
Leave Carry
Forward at
Year End**

< 3




















  1. ** This represents the maximum amount to be cashed out upon termination.

    New hires or re-hires will receive University staff leave for the leave plan year in which they are (re)hired at a pro-rated accrual rate based on the date of hire or re-hire. Part-time salaried University staff earn leave at a rate proportionate to their part-time status.

  2. Supervisor Approval:
    All University staff leave time taken must be approved in advance by the University staff employee’s manager and recorded in the applicable human resources management system (HRMS). Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The University staff employee and their manager should make all reasonable efforts to maintain services during the University staff employee’s absence. In the event of an unexpected personal or family illness or other unexpected event that requires an immediate leave of absence, the University staff employee must promptly notify their manager on the first day of the absence or if that is not possible, as soon as practical thereafter.
  3. Permissible Purposes:
    With manager approval, University staff leave may be used for any purpose, including but not limited to, vacation, personal illnesses, family illnesses, bereavement, community service, to attend to personal business, etc. Use of University staff leave requires no specific justification or explanation by University staff. However, for specific types of paid leave as outlined in Section 7, University staff are required to use the specific leave type for the purposes intended.
  4. Leave Availability:
    The entire amount of University staff leave will be available for use at the start of each leave plan year providing a University staff employee with maximum flexibility in their use of leave time. University staff leave is earned on a per-pay-period basis. Therefore, if the University staff employee separates from the University during the leave plan year, the time used and the time earned must be reconciled. University staff leave earned but not used will be paid to University staff (i.e., the monetary value of the remaining leave time as outlined in Section 6). University staff leave used but not earned, will be subtracted from the departing University staff employee’s final paycheck.
  5. Carry Forward:
    All earned leave can be carried forward. The maximum number of hours that can be carried forward is established by the University (See Table A). The hours carried forward serve as the beginning balance on which the next year's leave time is added.
  6. Cashing Out Unused Leave:
    At the conclusion of the leave plan year, the applicable HRMS automatically determines the cash-out of unused leave hours at 50% of their value once the amount of leave goes beyond the maximum hours allowed to be carried forward. (See Table A). To receive this cash-out, University staff must have used a minimum of 10 days of either University staff leave or overtime leave during the leave plan year. The paid leave types listed in Section 7 cannot be used to satisfy the requirements to cash-out unused leave hours. University staff not using the required minimum 10 days of leave, will lose the balance above the maximum carry forward amount (See Section 5). University staff will receive the cash-out payment as taxable income.

    Example: In the first year of employment, a University staff employee has 22 days of leave and does not use any leave. In the second year of employment, the University staff employee has an additional 22 days of leave and uses 10 days of leave.

Table B - Cash Out Leave Example

Year 1 Ending Balance:

22 days

Year 2 Addition:

12 days (22 days of leave, 10 used)

Year 2 Ending Balance:

34 days

Maximum Carry Forward:

22 days

Cash-out Balance:

12 days

12 days will automatically be cashed-out at 50% of their value.

  1. Classified Staff Converting to University Staff:
    To receive cash-out for unused leave, classified staff must have used a minimum of 10 days of leave which includes annual leave, compensatory & compensatory special leave, overtime leave, and organizational recognition leave during the leave plan year.
  2. Specific Types of Paid Leave:
    In addition to University staff leave that can be used for any purpose as discussed above, the University staff leave plan also includes the following types of paid leave based on a leave plan year except where noted:

    • Civil and Work-Related Leave (no limit)
    • Compensatory & “Comp Special” Leave (no limit)
    • Educational Leave (up to 12 calendar months)
    • Emergency/Disaster Leave (up to 80 hours)
    • Employee Recognition Leave (up to five paid days)
    • Leave to Donate Bone Marrow or Organs (up to 30 workdays)
    • Military Leave (up to 15 workdays during the federal fiscal year)
    • School Assistance and Volunteer Service Leave (up to 24 hours with a limit of 16 hours for School Assistance).

    (Detailed information on the paid leave types noted above may be found at Time Off Options.)

    The specific paid leave types herein are available for use as needed when approved by a manager and may not be carried forward or cashed out.

  3. Paid Holidays:
    Holidays are awarded separately and are not included in the University staff employee’s leave balance. Official University holidays are posted on the UVA Human Resources website.
  4. Roles and Responsibilities:
    A University staff employee is responsible for:

    • Seeking leave approval from their manager with reasonable advance notice.
    • Planning for continuation of important tasks during the absence.
    • Monitoring leave usage.
    • Accurately accounting for leave taken through the applicable HRMS.

    The manager is responsible for:

    • Communicating the provisions of this policy to University staff.
    • Approving all reasonable requests for leave in a timely manner.
    • Maintaining continuation of important tasks in the University staff employee’s absence.

    UVA Human Resources is responsible for:

    • Providing University staff and managerial guidance on the process for requesting and taking leave.
    • Monitoring and administering the leave process.
    • Maintaining records and providing reports as necessary.
    • Complying with all applicable federal and state laws, as well as University policies.
  5. Compliance with Policy:
    Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination in accordance with relevant University policies.

    Questions about this policy should be directed to the Benefits and Leave Center.

Major Category:
Human Resource Management
Next Scheduled Review:
Approved By, Date:
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, 01/26/2010
Revision History:

Revised 11/16/21; Added Compliance section 7/20/21; Updated 12/27/13; Revised 2/20/12, 1/28/10.

Supersedes (previous policy):

HRM-031: Paid Leave for University Staff Employees.