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STAF-001: Food Service Provided by Student Organizations

Date: 04/23/2007 Status: Final
Last Revised: 07/06/2023
Policy Type: Student Affairs
Oversight Executive: Vice President and Chief Student Affairs Officer
Applies To:

All contracted independent student organizations (CIOs), fraternities and sororities (FO Organizations) when hosting programs and/or activities on University property. All special status organizations at all times.

Reason for Policy:

Guidelines have been established for the provision of food service on University property by student organizations in order to promote a healthy and safe experience for all participants.

Definition of Terms in Statement:
  • Affiliated Persons:(1) Students who are registered or enrolled for credit-bearing coursework and who are seeking a degree and (2) University employees, consisting of all full-time and part-time faculty, University staff, Medical Center employees, classified staff, wage employees (including temps), professional research staff, and post-doctoral fellows.
  • Baked Goods:Foods like breads, cakes, pastries, and cookies that are cooked in an oven. For the purpose of this policy, baked meats, poultry, fish, and vegetable dishes are not considered “baked goods.”
  • Contracted Independent Organizations:Contracted Independent Organizations (CIO) are formed by University students to offer educational, service, and social opportunities. Membership is typically comprised primarily of students, faculty, staff, alumni, but limited community membership in the organizations is possible. The University does not use the concept of "recognizing" CIOs. CIOs operate independent of the University and are not agents, servants, or employees of the University. They do not have the authority to act for or commit the University to any activity, transaction, or agreement. The University does not supervise, direct, or control CIOs’ activities.
  • Cooked Food:Foods that begin raw (uncooked) and are prepared by applying heat. For the purpose of this policy, any meat, poultry, fish, or vegetable dish for which the ingredients begin raw and are then cooked by any method are considered cooked food.
  • Fraternal Organizations (FO):FOs are organizations in relationship with the University through an approved agreement and are governed by the Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC), Inter-Sorority Council (ISC), Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), or National Pan Hellenic Council (NPC), and which offer educational, service, and social opportunities for their members. The University does not use the concept of "recognizing" FOs. FOs operate independently of the University and are not agents, servants, or employees of the University. They do not have the authority to act for or commit the University to any activity, transaction, or agreement. The University does not supervise, direct, or control the FOs’ activities. FOs are comprised entirely of University students.
  • Pre–Packaged Goods/Food:Foods that are commercially prepared, sealed, and then packaged for sale by a retail distributor.
  • Special Status Organizations:Special status student organizations act as agents of the University in carrying out a University function(s) through authority delegated by an authorized University official. The manner in which the function(s) is conducted is subject to the supervision and control of the University. The special status student organization is solely responsible for activities conducted by the organization that have not been officially delegated to it by the University. When conducting non-University authorized activities, the student organization is considered by the University to be non-special status and, therefore, not acting as an agent of the University.
  • Student Organization:A general term that refers to all Contracted Independent Organizations (CIOs), Fraternal Organizations (FOs), Special Status Organizations, and Agency groups.
  • Unaffiliated Persons:Any person or party who is not an affiliated person (e.g., businesses, non-profit organizations, independent contractors).
  • University Property:Land or buildings that the University owns or leases and that is under the control of the Board of Visitors. University property also includes premises the University uses for activities of its offices, departments, personnel, or students.
Policy Statement:

Food service on University property provided by student organizations must comply with the guidelines established by the University. This applies to all food distribution regardless of whether the food is offered for sale or provided free of charge.

  1. Guidelines for Food Service on University Property:
    The University recognizes that for many student organizations, food service is used to foster and strengthen the sense of community both within groups and among the broader University community. The University has established guidelines for food service on University property by contracted independent organizations (CIOs), fraternal organizations (FOs), and special status organizations. Specifically:
    • Student organizations are permitted to serve and/or sell pre-packaged and baked goods.

    • Student organizations are permitted to serve and/or sell cooked foods only when the food is prepared by third-party providers holding all licenses and permits required by the Blue Ridge Health District of the Virginia Department of Health and subject to all provisions of the Blue Ridge Health District of the Virginia Department of Health.

    • Under no circumstance may a student organization prepare cooked food and then sell or distribute it on University property to anyone beyond the membership of the host group, including, but not limited to, affiliated and unaffiliated persons.

    • Special Status Organizations are prohibited from preparing cooked food for distribution at any event open to affiliated or unaffiliated persons regardless of the location of the event.

    • Under no circumstance may any student organization serve non-commercially prepared raw or uncooked meat, fish, or poultry in any University facility. All preparation and service of raw or uncooked meat, fish, or poultry must be by a licensed third-party vendor in close consultation with the Blue Ridge Health District of the Virginia Department of Health.

  2. Student Organization Responsibilities:
    • When reserving University facilities, student organizations are required to disclose all plans for food service.

    • The student organization is responsible for verifying that vendors holding required licenses and permits prepare all cooked food. Professionally prepared cooked food can be served (not prepared) by members of the sponsoring organization.

    • Event Management staff in Student Affairs and University of Virginia Dining Services staff are available to consult with student organizations regarding food service options.

  3. Compliance with Policy:
    Student organizations who fail to comply with this policy will be subject to all appropriate disciplinary penalties, up to and including revocation of their CIO Agreement, Fraternal Organization Agreement, or designated Special Status.

    For questions about this policy, please contact Event Management (Student Affairs).

Major Category:
Student Affairs Policies
Next Scheduled Review:
Approved By, Date:
Vice President and Chief Student Affairs Officer, 04/23/2007
Revision History:
Updated 7/6/23; 9/26/18; 9/24/18; 6/6/11.