Policies by Contact Office

Title Policy Name Contact Office
BOV-004 Rank of Professor of Practice Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
BOV-006 Faculty Role in University Governance Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
FIN-035 Academic Approval and Signatory Authority for Academic Program Agreements Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
HRM-003 Employment of Administrative or Professional General Faculty Members Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
HRM-004 Faculty Resignation and Retirement Notice Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
HRM-005 Appointment of Unpaid Faculty Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
HRM-019 University Staff Employees, Medical Center Employees, and Classified Staff Engaged in Teaching Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
HRM-035 University Faculty Salaries and Bonuses Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
HRM-036 Use of Disaster Leave Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
HRM-038 Faculty Leaves Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
HRM-043 Addressing Grievances for Administrative and Professional Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
HRM-044 Maintaining Faculty Personnel Records Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
HRM-045 Faculty External Consulting and Internal Overload Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-001 Graduate Assistantships Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-002 Awarding of Posthumous Degrees Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-003 Part-Time Employment of Retired Members of the Faculty Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-004 Employment of Academic General Faculty Members (Tenure-Ineligible) Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-005 Dissemination and Recording of Course Materials and Activities Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-006 Extending Offers of Employment to Faculty in Academic Areas Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-007 Faculty Conflicts of Interest Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-008 Teaching Courses for Academic Credit Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-009 Faculty Holding Appointments at Other Institutions or Organizations Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-011 Student Enrollment Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-012 Financial Aid to Non-Degree-Seeking Students Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-013 Appointment of Visiting Faculty and Visiting Scholars Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-015 Criteria for Establishing Research-Only Courses Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-017 Promotion and Tenure Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-018 Emeritus Faculty Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-019 Student Academic Suspension Grievance Policy Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-022 Determination and Assignation of Academic Credit Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-023 Appointment, Annual Evaluation, and Reappointment of Academic Deans Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-024 Academic Faculty Members Appointed to Administrative Positions Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-025 Establishing Academic Centers and Institutes Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-026 Faculty Wage Employment Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-029 Faculty Appointment Types and Titles Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-030 Establishing Certificate Programs Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-031 Appointment of University Professors Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-032 Visiting Graduate Researchers Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-033 Restrictions on Certain Romantic or Sexual Relationships at the University Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
PROV-034 Appointment of Faculty to Endowed Professorships Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)
RES-001 Ownership Rights in Copyrightable Material Executive Vice President and Provost (Office of the)