BOV-001: Adoption of Human Resource Policies Governing University Staff under Higher Education Restructuring
Academic Division and the College at Wise.
The Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act provided an opportunity to develop a new human resources system for University staff, the designation of non-faculty employees hired on or after July 1, 2006. The subsequent Management Agreement entered into by the University and the Commonwealth authorized the President, acting through the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Executive Vice President and Provost, to implement new human resources systems for employees of the Academic Division and the University’s College at Wise. This policy directs the University to adopt specific human resources policies for University staff.
- Career Development:A series of planned actions taken by an employee, with the active support of management, to successfully meet the demands of the current job environment, prepare for future work opportunities and challenges, and enhance employee career satisfaction.
- Career Development Plan:An action plan for enhancing an employee’s level of skills, capabilities, and performance in order to excel in the current job or prepare for new responsibilities.
- Performance Management:A management process for ensuring that employees’ work efforts, skills, and behavior are in alignment with the University’s mission, goals, and objectives. It consists of three major components: (1) performance and development planning; (2) ongoing discussions and feedback between the employee and supervisor to keep performance and development on track throughout the performance cycle; and (3) evaluation of employee performance.
- University Staff Employees (University Staff):Those salaried, non-faculty employees hired on or after July 1, 2006, and those salaried non-faculty employees and administrative and professional faculty electing to participate in the UVA Human Resources System established by the Board of Visitors under the authority granted by the Restructuring Act and the Management Agreement. (The term “University Staff Employee” includes all three categories of University staff employees - Operational & Administrative, Managerial & Professional, and Executive & Senior Administrative.)
- Management Agreement:The agreement between the University and the Commonwealth required by Subsection D of § 23.1-1004 of the Restructuring Act.
- Restructuring Act:The Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act, Chapter 10 of Title 23.1 of the Code of Virginia.
WHEREAS, the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act provided level three institutions with an opportunity to develop a new human resources system for University staff, the designation of non-faculty employees hired on or after July 1, 2006; and
WHEREAS, the Management Agreement entered into by the University and the Commonwealth pursuant to the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act, authorizes the President, acting through the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Executive Vice President and Provost, to adopt and implement new human resources systems for employees of the Academic Division and the University’s College at Wise, and
WHEREAS, the Management Agreement continues the existing human resources system for Medical Center employees previously authorized by the Board in 1996; and
WHEREAS, the University is committed to creating a human resources system for University employees designed to recruit, develop, and competitively compensate a superior workforce better prepared to meet the future needs of the University; and
WHEREAS, the human resource system for University employees may include different provisions for reasonably different groups or classifications of employees; and
WHEREAS, the University established a process that provided for broad input from employees and their supervisors in the design of the new human resources system; and the recommended policies address the most significant findings from these efforts; and
WHEREAS, the University is currently engaged in an open comment period on the proposed policies; and any material policy changes resulting from this input will be subject to approval of the Board of Visitors or its Executive Committee; and
WHEREAS, with the approval of these policies effective October 1, 2008, the University will commence the 90-day enrollment period during which classified staff and administrative and professional faculty may elect to participate in and be governed by the human resources system established for University staff; and the new human resource system for University staff will be implemented on January 1, 2009;
RESOLVED, the proposed human resources policies for University staff, as described below, is adopted by the Board of Visitors to be implemented January 1, 2009.
Proposed policies:
The University will adopt an employee career development policy that provides for career development opportunities and the support necessary for them, subject to available funding and applicable policies. The career development policy shall include career paths to provide for planned progression, job enrichment opportunities, and ongoing education and training. These policies shall be tightly linked with those policies for performance planning and evaluation, and compensation.
The University will adopt a new compensation policy for university staff based on market-relevant salary ranges, replacing the current salary and job classification structure. The compensation policy will allow for differentiation in pay increases based on individual performance and employee development and will be administered in accordance with the Compensation Plan for University Staff to be approved by the Board of Visitors.
The University will adopt performance management policy to help managers and employees establish performance goals that are strategically aligned, as well as career development goals. The policy will provide the opportunity for interim reviews to track employee progress. The performance evaluation policy will include a new rating scale; evaluation of performance goals, employee competencies, and career goals; and opportunities for coaching and for multiple sources of feedback.
The University will adopt a leave program that provides employees accrued leave benefits and changes the current leave structure for University staff to allow for cash-out of annual leave in excess of the maximum carry-over amount, as well as an initial leave allocation for new employees and those transferring within the University. In addition, the University will continue to explore ways to simplify the current leave program.
The University will adopt benefit provisions for University staff that include the following. (1) The University will provide optional retirement plan benefits to eligible University staff. (2) The University will offer part-time salaried University staff a partial employer subsidy toward the cost of health insurance. (3) The University will adopt a supplemental benefit credit, targeted to lower salaried employees. Eligible employees would receive a fixed dollar credit to help offset the cost of benefit deductions.
Except for the changes outlined above, other benefit provisions, including health insurance, retirement, and associated life and disability insurance benefits are unchanged by this resolution.
The University will adopt the current terms and conditions of employment for University staff, including progressive discipline and due process as found in the current Standards of Conduct and Layoff & Severance policies, with the exception that layoff notification for University staff will be increased to sixty days. These terms and conditions will not be applicable to employees in senior administration and coaching positions, which will continue to be covered by contractual provisions. The University will also adopt enhanced provisions for dispute resolution, and for flexible working arrangements including telecommuting and alternate work schedules.
In accordance with the Management Agreement entered into by the University and the Commonwealth pursuant to the Act, future material changes to policies for compensation, benefits or severance will be subject to approval by the Board of Visitors; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the University is committed to providing effective, accessible, and ongoing training for managers and employees on the new human resources system to support successful implementation of these policies; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, any material changes resulting from input provided during the open comment period will be subject to the approval of the Board of Visitors or its Executive Committee; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, the authority to approve policies for University staff consistent with the statements above, and to engage in further delegation of authority for their oversight and implementation, be delegated to the President, acting through the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Executive Vice President and Provost.
Reference: Adoption of Human Resource Policies Governing University Staff Under Higher Education Restructuring, BOV Minutes dated June 13, 2008, pgs. 7621 - 7624.