External Relations

External Relations

Policies related to managing relationships with organizations and entities external to the University.

Policy # Policy Title
BOV-008 Relationship with University-Associated Organizations
(formerly known as University-Related Foundations)
EXT-001 Administrative Dispute Resolution
EXT-002 Visits by Ambassadors and Heads of State
EXT-003 Communicating with Government Officials
EXT-004 Naming Policies for the University of Virginia
EXT-005 Coordination of Development Activities at the University of Virginia
EXT-006 Solicitation and Acceptance of Gifts of Real Property, Life Insurance, Tangible Personal Property (Including Fine Art), and Intangible Personal Property
EXT-007 Acceptance of Bequests, University Life Income Gifts, and Gifts to the University’s Donor Advised Fund
EXT-008 Acceptance, Receipt, and Acknowledgment of Gifts
EXT-009 Establishment of Funds from Gifts
EXT-010 Employee Charitable Contributions to the University
EXT-011 Investment Guidelines for University Real Estate Loans to the University of Virginia Foundation
EXT-012 Supplier Diversity Program
EXT-013 Misrepresentation of the University’s Academic Programs and Financial Charges
EXT-014 Use of U.S. Department of Defense Seals or Military Insignias for Educational Programs
EXT-015 Endorsement of External Entities and Products
FIN-015 Endowment and Capital Gift Agreements
FIN-018 Gifts of Securities