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HRM-028: Preventing and Addressing Threats or Acts of Violence

Date: 07/13/2009 Status: Final
Last Revised: 10/10/2024
Policy Type: University
Oversight Executive: Associate Vice President for Safety & Security and Chief of Police
Applies To:

Academic Division and the Medical Center.

Reason for Policy:

The University of Virginia and the University of Virginia Medical Center are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all faculty, staff, students, Medical Center employees, patients, and visitors. This policy addresses the prevention, assessment, management, and means of intervention and action for identified threats and acts of violence in compliance with Virginia Code, §23.1-805.

Definition of Terms in Statement:
  • Terms:There are no terms that require definition.
Policy Statement:

The University (as used throughout this policy refers to the Academic Division and the Medical Center) promotes a safe environment in which to learn, live, and work by prohibiting threats or acts of violence. Accordingly, two multi-disciplinary teams comprised of various University personnel have been established:

  • Violence Prevention Committee (VPC) that develops a mission, policies and procedures, training, and reporting mechanisms for the prevention of violence on Grounds.
  • Threat Assessment Team that assesses, manages, intervenes, and mitigates identified violent and/or threatening behavior by or against faculty, staff, students, Medical Center employees, patients, and visitors or other non-affiliated individuals.

In situations where violence appears imminent or occurs, individuals should immediately call 911. Faculty, staff, students, Medical Center employees, patients, and visitors or other non-affiliated individuals should report any non-imminent violent or threatening behavior (see Section 1) either to the Office of Threat Assessment, University Police Division, or through UVA Just Report It.

NOTE: Retaliation against any faculty, staff, student, Medical Center employee, patient, visitor, or other non-affiliated individual who, in good faith, reports violent or threatening behavior per this policy is prohibited. Retaliatory actions will be referred to the appropriate investigative authority within the University.

  1. Violent and/or Threatening Behavior:        
    Violent and/or threatening behavior encompasses a range of activities occurring on or off University grounds. Violent and/or threatening behavior may be physical, verbal, written, or communicated electronically and reasonably perceived to intend physical harm or cause fear of such harm. Violent and/or threatening behavior includes but is not limited to the following examples:
    • Brandishing a weapon or firearm.
    • Unsanctioned possession of firearms, weapons, or other dangerous items.
    • Intentionally injuring another person physically.
    • Threatening to injure or kill another person.
    • Threatening to damage or intentionally damaging property..
    • Engaging in verbal or physical behavior that creates a reasonable fear of physical injury.
    • Intentionally engaging in verbal or physical behavior that subjects any individual to extreme emotional distress.
    • Publishing a person’s name or photograph with identifying information with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or harass the individual (also known as doxing).
    • Engaging in violent or threatening behavior related to harassment, discrimination, hazing, stalking, dating or domestic violence, or sexual assault.
  2. Violence Prevention Committee and Threat Assessment Team (TAT):        
    The multidisciplinary VPC and TAT will consist of, but are not limited to, the following department representatives:

    • Office of Threat Assessment (OTA)
    • University Police Division
    • Student Affairs
    • Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
    • Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (EOCR)
    • UVA HR/Employee Relations
    • Faculty and Employee Assistance Program (FEAP)
    • Patient Safety/Risk Management
    • Faculty Representative
    • Office of University Counsel*

    * Provides legal advice and counsel to the TAT.        

  3. Investigative Placement Status:        
    A TAT Investigative Placement Status is an interim step that can limit students, student applicants, reenrolling students, employees, employee applicants, visitors, or other unaffiliated individuals who are the subject of a threat assessment from participating in activities on or associated with UVA Grounds unless or until implementing other relevant University policies is warranted. This is an interim step intended to help individuals who are directly affected by or at risk of violence receive accommodations or adjustments to enhance their safety and mediate a concerning situation. These recommendations will be made in collaboration with relevant University partners.

    A TAT Investigative Placement Status may be initiated (1) to manage an articulable and significant threat, (2) to prompt and/or require an interview with OTA, and/or (3) to implement means of intervention or action, e.g., interim suspension, referrals for evaluation or treatment, medical separation, as per §23.1-805. If feasible, OTA will notify individuals of the Investigative Placement Status and requirements to assess its removal or amendment.

  4. Investigative Determination and Request for Reconsideration:      
    OTA will notify individuals in writing of findings to maintain or rescind the Investigative Placement Status, with or without conditions, within 10 business days of the OTA interview. Individuals may agree to, refuse, or request to modify the recommended means of intervention or action, per §23.1-805, made by OTA. The OTA notification will include instructions on the review process.

    Those subject to a TAT Investigative Placement Status may seek to have this status lifted by submitting a written request for reconsideration. Written requests must be submitted to [email protected] within five business days of the OTA notification and must include:

    1. The individual’s contact information, including address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
    2. The reason for the consideration request.
    3. A complete and candid explanation for the behavior identified in the investigative determination and how it will be mitigated.
    4. Any other information the individual believes is relevant or wishes to be considered.

    The request will be considered by a Review Panel consisting of three UVA employees unaffiliated with the Threat Assessment Team, including one psychologist trained in violence risk assessment and appropriate staff as it pertains to the affiliation of the subject of the threat assessment. The panel will determine whether to uphold, amend, or rescind the recommendations made by OTA. Once the panel receives the request for reconsideration and the corresponding TAT records, the panel has 10 business days to review and notify the individual and OTA in writing of its determination.

  5. Support and Safety Planning:        
    The University will make efforts to protect and support people experiencing violent and/or threatening behavior by discussing safety planning and identifying appropriate resources. University and community resource referrals include but are not limited to law enforcement, health care facilities, counseling services, victim advocacy groups, legal aid, domestic violence shelters, CAPS, University Women’s Center, EOCR, Student Affairs, and the FEAP.

    Individuals directly affected by or at risk of ongoing violence may also need accommodations to enhance their safety or well-being. Accommodations may include but are not limited to access to counseling services; adjustments to class or work schedules or locations; parking modifications; time off to attend legal proceedings; and/or temporary or permanent student housing changes. The University shall accommodate requests as appropriate per the recommendation and guidance of the TAT.

  6. Responsibilities:        
    The Associate Vice President of Safety and Security is responsible for the implementation of this policy for the University.

    The Office of Threat Assessment provides threat assessment expertise to TAT. Per the designation of the Associate Vice President for Safety and Security, the Director of Threat Assessment chairs the Violence Prevention Committee and TAT. OTA:

    • Determines a strategic direction and membership for the VPC and TAT.
    • Develops and maintains a publicly available VPC statement of mission, membership, and leadership.
    • Leads the VPC process for the development of policies and procedures for the prevention of violence on Grounds.
    • Coordinates and facilitates expedited and routine TAT meetings.
    • Collects and gathers case information.
    • Conducts interviews with involved parties.
    • Ensures the appropriate documentation is contained in the TAT record.
    • Coordinates annual training for members.
    • Maintains compliance with University Policy and Virginia Code §23.1-805 regarding threat assessment.
    • Oversees University training on various threat assessment and management topics including warning behaviors, early intervention, and reporting.

    All University faculty, staff, students, Medical Center employees, patients, and visitors are responsible for being alert to the possibility of violence and reporting violent or threatening behavior (see Section 1) to either the Office of Threat Assessment, the University Police Division, or through UVA Just Report It. In situations where violence appears imminent or occurs, individuals should immediately call 911.

    Any University faculty, staff, student, or Medical Center employee who obtains a court order of protection, is responsible for alerting a member of the Office of Threat Assessment or the University Police Division of the existence of such order and providing a copy.

    All University faculty, staff, students, and Medical Center employees are expected to cooperate fully with the TAT including but not limited to:

    • answering questions about violent or threatening behavior
    • answering questions about persons of concern (e.g., the environment where they live, work, study, or receive care; stressors, health, emotional health, history of violence or threatening statements, and weapon possession)
    • providing records subject to relevant state and federal laws.
  7. Compliance with Policy:        
    Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment, services, or expulsion. Any individual who engages in violent or threatening behavior may be removed and/or prosecuted for trespass, disorderly conduct, or other offenses under state or federal law.

    Questions about this policy should be directed to the Office of Threat Assessment.


UVA Just Report It 
For additional reporting options, view the Threat Assessment Website.

Major Category:
Human Resource Management
Next Scheduled Review:
Approved By, Date:
Policy Review Committee, 07/13/2009
Revision History:

Added Sections 3 and 4 10/10/24; Added definition of identifying information and 10th bullet in Section 1. 2/5/24; Updated Dept 6/23/22; Updated 6/7/22; Removed reference to TipSoft 5/23/22; Added Hazing to Section 1 1/20/22; Updated Contact Ofc 6/20/19; Revised 1/18/19; 7/13/09.

Supersedes (previous policy):

Workplace Violence/Hostility Policy.