University Policies Applying to the Medical Center
Medical Center refers to State Agency 209 and consists of the University Hospital and related health care and health maintenance facilities.
Policy Additions and Updates >>
Policy Number | Policy Title | |
BOV-007 | Working Capital Investment | |
BOV-008 | Relationship with University-Associated Organizations (formerly known as University-Related Foundations) |
BOV-010 | Liquidity Management | |
BOV-011 | Presidential Evaluation | |
BOV-013 | Involvement of the Board of Visitors in the Capital Planning Process |
BOV-014 | Signatory Authority | |
BOV-015 | University of Virginia Debt Policy | |
BOV-016 | Interest Rate Risk Management | |
BOV-018 | Endowment Spending Policy and Administrative Fee | |
BOV-020 | Quasi-Endowment Transactions | |
EXT-001 | Administrative Dispute Resolution | |
EXT-003 | Communicating with Government Officials | |
EXT-004 | Naming Policies for the University of Virginia | |
EXT-005 | Coordination of Development Activities at the University of Virginia | |
EXT-006 | Solicitation and Acceptance of Gifts of Real Property, Life Insurance, Tangible Personal Property (Including Fine Art), and Intangible Personal Property | |
EXT-007 | Acceptance of Bequests, University Life Income Gifts, and Gifts to the University’s Donor Advised Fund | |
EXT-008 | Acceptance, Receipt, and Acknowledgment of Gifts | |
EXT-009 | Establishment of Funds from Gifts | |
EXT-010 | Employee Charitable Contributions to the University | |
EXT-015 | Endorsement of External Entities and Products | |
FIN-006 | Insurance Coverage | |
FIN-007 | Locations Requiring Use of UVA Catering | |
FIN-008 | Restitution and Recovery from Third Parties for Departmental Damage | |
FIN-010 | University Mail Services | |
FIN-018 | Gifts of Securities | |
FIN-020 | Establishing and Managing Bank, ATMs, and Other Financial Institution Accounts for University Funds | |
FIN-021 | Internal Control | |
FIN-022 | Oversight of University and/or Medical Center Operating and Capital Budgets and Long-term Financial Plans | |
FIN-024 | Internal Borrowing Program | |
FIN-025 | Internal Interest Program | |
FIN-026 | Creating and Managing Quasi Endowment Accounts | |
FIN-027 | Payroll Allocation Confirmation on Sponsored Programs | |
FIN-029 | Use of Buildings Financed with Tax-Exempt Debt | |
FIN-031 | Prevention, Detection, and Mitigation of Identity Theft | |
FIN-036 | Signatory Authority for Executing University Contracts | |
FIN-043 | Managing Export and Sanction Compliance in Support of University Activities | |
FIN-045 | Electronic Funds Transfers | |
FIN-047 | Compliance with Federal, State, and Local Tax Regulations | |
FIN-048 | Safeguarding and Stewardship of University Financial Records | |
FIN-049 | Revenue Generating Activities | |
FIN-053 | Institutional Base Salary | |
GOV-002 | Reporting and Investigation of Fraudulent Transactions | |
GOV-003 | University Institutional Compliance Program for Adherence to Federal, State, and Other Regulations | |
GOV-004 | Use and Licensing of the University's Trademarks | |
GOV-005 | Adherence to Copyright Protections | |
HRM-009 | Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment | |
HRM-010 | Preventing and Addressing Retaliation | |
HRM-019 | University Staff Employees, Medical Center Employees, and Classified Staff Engaged in Teaching | |
HRM-022 | Employment Eligibility Verification (Completing Form I-9) |