University Policies Applying to the Medical Center

Medical Center refers to State Agency 209 and consists of the University Hospital and related health care and health maintenance facilities.

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Policy Number Policy Title
HRM-028 Preventing and Addressing Threats or Acts of Violence
HRM-034 Background Checks, Screenings, and Ongoing Responsibility for Employees to Disclose Criminal Convictions
HRM-040 Reporting by University Employees of Disclosures Relating to the Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence and the Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment, and Preventing and Addressing Retaliation Policies
HRM-041 Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence
HRM-042 Early Retirement Incentive Program
(University Staff and Medical Center Employees)
HRM-047 Provision of Moving and Relocation Assistance for Newly Hired Faculty or Staff
HRM-049 Drug and Alcohol Testing Requirements for Commercial Driver’s License Holders
HRM-050 Protection of Minors and Reporting Abuse
IRM-002 Acceptable Use of the University’s Information Technology Resources
IRM-003 Data Protection of University Information
IRM-004 Information Security of University Technology Resources
IRM-005 Coordination and Approval of Telecommunication Services
IRM-008 University Information Technology Accessibility
IRM-009 University Information Technology Infrastructure, Architecture, and Ongoing Operations
IRM-010 University Information Technology Project Management
IRM-011 University Information Security Program
IRM-012 Privacy and Confidentiality of University Information
IRM-013 Issuance of an Emergency Notification
IRM-017 Records Management
IRM-018 Issuance of a Community Alert (Timely Warning)
PRM-001 Use of University Airplane or Private Air Transportation Service
PRM-003 Recycling
PRM-004 Excavation
PRM-006 Parking Policy for Capital Projects
PRM-007 Use of the Rotunda
PRM-009 Provision of Mass Transit and Charter Services at the University
PRM-010 Parking Regulations
PRM-011 Use of Working Time and University Equipment for Personal or Commercial Purposes
PRM-012 Space and Real Estate Transactions
PRM-014 Use and Management of University Vehicles
PRM-015 Transferring Responsibility for Real Property Assets
PRM-016 Surplus Property Disposal
PRM-017 Duties Toward Speakers and Use of University Facilities or Property
PRM-018 Issuance of Trespass Warnings
PRM-019 Riding, Parking, and Storing Bicycles at the University
PROV-008 Teaching Courses for Academic Credit
RES-003 Federal Classified Research
RES-004 Research Misconduct
RES-006 Patenting of Discoveries or Inventions at the University
(Patent Policy)
RES-007 Human Research Protection Program
RES-008 Institutional Conflict of Interest in Human Subjects Research
SEC-002 Environmental Management
SEC-003 Chemical Safety and Waste Training
SEC-004 Collection and Disposal of Regulated Hazardous Materials & Hazardous (Chemical) Waste
SEC-006 Regulated Medical Waste Management
SEC-007 Management of Asbestos-Containing Materials and Lead-Containing Materials in University Facilities
SEC-009 Radiation Safety Program
SEC-010 Radiation Worker Protection during Pregnancy
SEC-012 Biosafety
SEC-013 Tent Use on University Property