Policies by Oversight Executive
Title | Policy Name |
BOV-006 | Faculty Role in University Governance |
BOV-008 | Relationship with University-Associated Organizations (formerly known as University-Related Foundations) |
BOV-012 | Administration of Athletics and the Athletics Advisory Council |
EXT-001 | Administrative Dispute Resolution |
EXT-002 | Visits by Ambassadors and Heads of State |
EXT-003 | Communicating with Government Officials |
EXT-013 | Misrepresentation of the University’s Academic Programs and Financial Charges |
EXT-014 | Use of U.S. Department of Defense Seals or Military Insignias for Educational Programs |
HRM-009 | Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment |
HRM-010 | Preventing and Addressing Retaliation |
HRM-011 | Campaigning for and Serving in a Public Office |
HRM-039 | Approval of Appointments and Reappointments of Senior School and University Administrators |
HRM-040 | Reporting by University Employees of Disclosures Relating to the Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence and the Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment, and Preventing and Addressing Retaliation Policies |
IRM-006 | Mass Digital Communications |
PRM-007 | Use of the Rotunda |
PRM-021 | Commercial Filming in University Facilities or on University Property |
RES-003 | Federal Classified Research |
SEC-039 | Protests, Demonstrations, and Other Expressive Activities during Official University Ceremonies and Events held at the Academical Village |
SEC-044 | Use and Access of Service Animals, Service Dogs in Training, and Emotional Support Animals on University Property or with Respect to University Programs and Activities |