Policy Directory by Glossary Terms
Name | Description |
Named Professorship | Endowed chairs and eminent scholars chairs established by private donors, by the alumni association, or by the Commonwealth of Virginia. |
National Airspace System | The National Airspace System (NAS) is the airspace, navigation facilities and airports of the United States along with their associated information, services, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, personnel, and equipment. |
National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA) | A voluntary reciprocity agreement that provides a uniform process to obtain authorizations from participating U.S. states and territories to operate educational activities within their jurisdiction. The Agreement sets thresholds, which if exceeded, require additional approvals from the host state. The District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and all states except California are members of NC-SARA. The University’s participation in NC-SARA is managed by the Office of Institutional Research and Analytics. |
National Fire Protection Association 70E Standard (NFPA, NFPA 70E) | The leading consensus standard and best work practices for electrical safety. This Standard is generally revised every 3 years by professionals in the electrical industry to stay up to date with best work practices in electrical safety. |
Native American | A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who is regarded as such by the community of which this person claims to be a part or who is recognized by a tribal organization. |
Natural Disaster | An event of nature that causes extensive and/or severe threat to or destruction of life and/or property, as defined in Va. Code § 44-146.16. Typically, such situations are the result of wind, earthquake, blizzard, ice storm, widespread fire, or flood. |
Networked Camera | A camera used or potentially used for monitoring and recording public areas to enhance the safety and security of people and property, discourage criminal activity, and investigate incidents of alleged policy or criminal violations. |
Networked Camera Monitoring | Viewing camera feeds in real-time. |
Networked Camera Oversight Group | The University group charged with oversight of the Networked Camera System and hearing appeals related to camera requests, composed of representatives from these areas: Safety and Security (including the Director of Safety & Security Systems and Technology as an ex-officio member); Executive Vice President & Provost; Student Affairs; either the Law School, Darden School, or the Medical School; Information Technology Services; University Architect; Facilities Management; and Medical Center Facilities and Safety. |
Networked Camera Recording | A digital or analog recording of a feed from a networked camera. |
Networked Camera System | Video management software, network recorders, network switches, fiber, and category cable that create a system to view, record, and retrieve video from attached cameras. |
Neutral | Neutral: An individual who is trained or experienced in conducting dispute resolution proceedings and in providing dispute resolution services. This person has no stake in the dispute other than to assist the parties in reaching an agreement or resolution. |
Non-Employee | An individual that is not paid through the University’s human resource management system, such as a contractor, student, visiting scholar, guest, and prospective employee. |
Non-Exempt Employee | An employee who, based on salary and duties performed, is not exempt from the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and must be compensated at a rate of one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek. |
Non-Federal Award | A Sponsored Award of non-federal funds, as well as non-federally funded Subawards received by the University from other organizations. |
Non-Master Key | By distinction of its unique “cut,” this is a key capable of unlocking only one specific pinned keyway. |
Non-Recorded Course Materials | Course-related educational materials including, but not limited to, lectures, syllabi, lecture notes, exams, problem sets, and presentations. |
Non-Student Users | All users except for those whose sole affiliation with the University is student or applicant. |
Noncommercial Filming | Filming for non-commercial, scholarly or academic use, personal use, or use to promote a recognized University unit, group or organization (including a University-Associated Organization) or its activities and programs. |
Nonresident Alien | A foreign national temporarily present in the United States who is not a resident alien. Nonresident aliens are taxed according to special rules contained in certain parts of the Internal Revenue Code. A “nonresident alien” will become a “resident alien” in one of two ways: (1) by being admitted to the U.S. as, or changing status to, a Lawful Permanent Resident under the Immigration Laws (the Green Card test); or (2) by passing the Substantial Presence Test (a numerical formula which measures days of presence in the U.S.). (26 USC 7701(b).) |
Non–Degree–Seeking Student | A student who has received permission to enroll and is registered for coursework at the University but is not enrolled in one of the University’s degree-granting programs. |
Non–Designated Employee | An employee whose assigned job duties and responsibilities are not immediately critical to maintaining the essential services of the University when normal University operations are disrupted as a result of an emergency event. |
Non–Exempt Employee | An employee who is subject to the minimum wage and overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act based on duties performed for time worked and recorded. Non-exempt employees are compensated at a rate of one and one-half times the employee's regular rate of pay for time worked in excess of 40 in a workweek. |
Non–General Funds | Resources which are earned or generated by the University such as tuition, F&A recoveries, grants and contracts, auxiliaries, or private resources. |
Non–Governmental Person | Any person, firm, corporation, partnership, or entity (including the federal government and its agencies) that is not a state or local governmental unit. University-Associated Organizations (UAOs) are considered Non-Governmental Persons except where tax-exempt bonds have been issued by the University specifically for the benefit of the UAO (such bonds commonly referred to as “501(c)(3) bonds” or “qualified private activity bonds”). |
Non–Immigrant Alien | An alien (foreign national) whose reason for coming to the United States involves a temporary stay that will end when its purpose has been accomplished. |
Non–Monetary Awards |