Policy Directory by Glossary Terms

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Name Description
Identification Document

A University- or government-issued document stating the individual’s name and containing their photograph.

Identifying Information

Any name or number that may be used, alone or in conjunction with any other information, to identify a specific person.

Identifying Information2

Any data that could potentially identify a specific individual, including but not limited to: (i) name; (ii) date of birth; (iii) social security number; (iv) driver's license number; (v) bank account numbers; (vi) credit or debit card numbers; (vii) personal identification numbers (PIN); (viii) electronic identification codes; (ix) automated or electronic signatures; (x) biometric data; (xi) fingerprints; (xii) passwords; or (xiii) any other numbers or information that can be used to access a person's financial resources, obtain identification, act as identification, or obtain money, credit, loans, goods, or services.

Identity Theft

A fraud committed using the identifying information of another person.

Immediate Award

An award granted at the sole discretion of the authorizing official. Immediate awards have no impact on non-exempt employees’ overtime rate.


Any unsafe act performed by an operator or near misses that could have resulted in injury or property damage.

Independent Contractor

An entity or individual who has entered into a contractual agreement to provide goods or services to the University, and meets the following criteria:

  • Is not currently an employee of the University.
  • Has no expectation of becoming an employee at the end of contractual service.
  • Did not have an official UVA appointment within the three months prior to the commencement of the contractual service.
  • Relied or will rely upon own expertise rather than following specific instructions from the department regarding performance of the required work.
  • Performed the work to the specifications of, but not under the direction of, a University employee or student.
  • Did not have the required number of work hours and/or days of the week set by the University.
Individual Student Travel

Includes, but is not limited to, study, research, internships, service, conferences, presentations, teaching, performances, or athletic competitions.

Individually Negotiated Contracts

An agreement between the employee and the University that sets forth employment terms and conditions. 

Individual–Use Electronic Devices

Electronic equipment, whether owned by the University or an individual, that has a storage device or persistent memory, including, but not limited to: desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smart phones and other mobile devices. For purposes of this policy, the term does not include shared purpose devices, such as servers (including shared drives), printers, copiers, routers, switches, firewall hardware, clinical workstations, medical devices (e.g., EKG machines), etc.

Individual–Use Electronic Media

All media, whether owned by the University or an individual, on which electronic data can be stored, including, but not limited to: external hard drives, magnetic tapes, diskettes, CDs, DVDs, and any externally attached storage devices (e.g., thumb drives).

Industrial Hygiene

The science and the art of recognizing, evaluating, and controlling environmental factors or stresses at the workplace which may cause illness or disabilities among the workforce or community as a whole.

Ineligible for Rehire

University employees terminated for serious misconduct or behavior or policy violations may be deemed Ineligible for Rehire in any type of University employment.

Ineligible for Rehire Period

Ineligible for Rehire periods are based on the reason or reasons for the involuntary termination or separation. The recommended time frames that employees shall be ineligible for rehire range from one to five years and may include permanent disqualification from University employment.

Information Security Incident

Any event that, regardless of accidental or malicious cause, results in:

  • disclosure of University data to someone unauthorized to access it,
  • unauthorized alteration of University data,
  • loss of data which the University is legally or contractually bound to protect or which support critical University functions,
  • disrupted information technology service, or
  • a violation of the University’s information security policies, standards, or procedures.

Examples of such incidents include, but are not limited to:

  • Malicious software installations on electronic devices that store University data not routinely made available to the general public, e.g., employee evaluations, or data the University is legally or contractually bound to protect, e.g., social security numbers, credit card numbers, Protected Health Information (PHI), research data.
  • Loss or theft of electronic devices, electronic media, or paper records that contain University data not routinely made available to the general public or data the University is legally or contractually bound to protect.
  • Defacement of a University website.
  • Unauthorized use of a computing account or system.
  • Use of information technology resources for unethical or unlawful purposes [incidents involving employees and pornography should be reported directly to Employee Relations (UVA HR)].
  • Contact from the FBI, Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security or other law enforcement organizations regarding a University electronic device that may have been used to commit a crime.
Information Technology (IT)

Includes any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment that is used in the acquisition, creation, conversion, display, duplication, exchange, interchange, manipulation, management, movement, processing, reception, storage, or transmission of data or information. It includes, but is not limited to: (1) the internet and intranet websites, content delivered in digital format, electronic books and electronic book reading systems, search engines and databases, learning management systems, classroom technology and multimedia, personal response systems (clickers), and office equipment such as audio/digital classroom podiums, copiers, and fax machines; and (2) telecommunications products (such as telephones), information kiosks, automated teller machines (ATMs), transaction machines, computers, ancillary equipment, software, firmware and similar procedures, services (including support services), and related resources.

Information Technology (IT) Resources

All resources owned, leased, managed, controlled, or contracted by the University involving networking, computing, electronic communication, and the management and storage of electronic data regardless of the source of funds including, but not limited to:

  • Networks (virtual and physical), networking equipment, and associated wiring including, but not limited to: gateways, routers, switches, wireless access points, concentrators, firewalls, and Internet-protocol telephony devices.
  • Electronic devices containing computer processors including, but not limited to: computers, laptops, desktops, servers (virtual or physical), smart phones, tablets, digital assistants, printers, copiers, network-aware devices with embedded electronic systems (i.e., “Internet of things”), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and industrial control systems.
  • Electronic data storage devices including, but not limited to: internal and external storage devices (e.g., solid state and hard drives, USB thumb drives, Bluetooth connected storage devices), magnetic tapes, diskettes, CDs, DVDs.
  • Artificial intelligence tools, including generative AI tools such as UVA Copilot and UVAChat+.
  • Software including, but not limited to: applications, databases, content management systems, web services, and print services.
  • Electronic data in transmission and at rest.
  • Network and communications access and associated privilege.
  • Account access and associated privileges to any other IT resource.
Initial Measurement Period (IMP)

The initial retroactive measurement or “look back” period established by the University for newly hired Staff Wage Employees as required by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The University’s IMP is established as 12 months from the 1st day of the month following the new Staff Wage Employee’s hire date. For example, a new Staff Wage Employee hired on January 15th will have an Initial Measurement Period of February 1 to January 31.


Gathering information and initial fact-finding to determine whether an allegation or apparent instance of research misconduct warrants an investigation.

Institutional Base Salary (IBS)

The annual compensation that the University and/or University Physicians Group (UPG) pays for an individual’s appointment, whether that individual’s time is spent on research, instruction, administration, or other activities (e.g., patient care or proposals preparation).

Institutional Compliance Program

A formal program that supports the University’s commitment to following policies and standards of conduct to assist in its compliance with applicable federal, state, and other regulations.

Institutional Conflict of Interest (ICOI)

A situation in which the Financial Interests of the University or Financial Interests of Covered Members might affect or reasonably appear to affect Institutional Activities Affecting or Involving Research.

Institutional Official

The Vice President for Research or their designee.

Institutional Responsibilities

An investigator’s professional responsibilities on behalf of the University which may include, for example, activities such as research, research consultation, teaching, clinical or other professional practice, institutional committee memberships, and service on panels such as Institutional Review Boards or Data and Safety Monitoring Boards.

Instructional Environments

Shops, studios, makerspaces, fabrication shops, laboratories, classrooms, or other areas where education, hands-on instruction, training, research, or student-supported activities are conducted, in both on- and off-grounds locations.


The individual listed in the University’s student information system (SIS) as being primarily responsible for the instruction of a course (or a discussion section or lab affiliated with a course), not to be confused with the rank of Instructor as defined in policy PROV-029: Faculty Appointment Types and Titles.

Intangible Personal Property

Property other than real property, whose value stems from intangible elements rather than physical or tangible elements. Examples of intangible personal property include patents, copyrights, licenses, and royalties.

Intermittent Leave

Leave taken in separate periods of time due to a single illness or injury, rather than for one continuous period, and may include leave of periods from an hour or more to several weeks. Examples of Intermittent Leave include leave taken on an occasional basis for medical appointments or leave taken several days at a time, spread over a period of six months, such as for chemotherapy.

Internal Bank

Mechanism established by the Office of Treasury Management through which treasury services are provided to the University’s units. These services include loans, investments, and commercial banking services.

Internal Control
Organizational plans and procedures which are designed to:
  • Safeguard assets;
  • Verify the accuracy and reliability of accounting data and other management information;
  • Promote operational efficiency; and
  • Adhere to prescribed policies and compliance with federal and state regulations. 
Internal Overload

A University-approved agreement between a unit that is part of the University and a full-time University faculty member, under which, due to exceptional circumstances, the faculty member receives a payment, in addition to his/her salary for duties beyond those normally assigned and which occur in a time interval during which the faculty member is receiving salary from the University.

Internal Overload Compensation

Compensation for approved Internal Overload activities.

Internal Use Data

Data that is typically a public record available to anyone by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) but is also not intentionally made public (see the definition of public data). Examples may include salary information, contracts, and specific email correspondence not otherwise protected by a FOIA exemption. For a complete list, see Code of Virginia § 2.2-3700 Virginia Freedom of Information Act.

International Health and Emergency Assistance Insurance

Healthcare, medical evacuation, security evacuation, repatriation of remains, and emergency assistance insurance coverage for individuals on University-related international travel.

International Travel

Travel to outside of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. NB: travel to U.S. territories and other possessions of the U.S. is considered international travel and is thus subject to the requirements of this policy.

International Travel Registry

A confidential and secure database maintained by the University’s International Studies Office for tracking travel itinerary and contact information for persons on University-related international travel.

International Travel Risk Management Committee

Advises the vice provost for global affairs on matters related to international faculty, staff, and student travel. Membership comprises representatives from the Offices of University Counsel (non-voting, advisory role), Property & Liability Risk Management, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, International Studies, Student Health and Wellness, Dean of Students, Vice President for Research, Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, and Emergency Management. The Committee also includes at least three faculty members from schools with a particularly high level of student travel abroad programs, each of whom serves a three-year term.


The formal development of a factual record and the examination and evaluation of that record to determine if misconduct has occurred, and, if so, to determine the responsible person and the seriousness of the misconduct.


The project director or principal investigator and any other person, regardless of title or position: (1) who is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research or proposed research, which may include, for example, senior research staff, collaborators, or consultants; and (2) whose research is supported by extramural funding (not internal funds or gifts).

Ionizing Radiation

Alpha particles, beta particles, electrons, protons, gamma rays, x-rays, neutrons, and other particles capable of ionizing materials.

IT Project

A project having as its primary purpose the creation of a unique information technology product or service.

I–9 Specialist

An employee designated by a hiring unit within a school or department who is authorized to complete the online I-9 form on behalf of the hiring department. This individual is authorized upon satisfactory completion of training provided by University Human Resources.